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2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference                                                      February 27 - March 2, 2024                                                      Denver, Colorado

                                Immersion Da       ys
                                Immersion Days

        conversations  on  choral music  education, including   organizations like ArkCDA and ACDA, serving as the
        curriculum development, strategic repertoire selection,   Jr. High R&R Chair for Arkansas and the SWACDA
        and the art of cultivating a vibrant sense of community   Middle School/Jr. High Repertoire & Resource Chair.
        within college choirs.
                                                                        Larry Dunn, coordinator, is  a seasoned
        Yoojin Muhn, Joshua Oppenheim, and Catherine                    music educator with over seventeen years
        Sailer will be the presenters for this session.                 of experience  in the  Magnolia  Public
                                                                        School District. He leads the Magnolia
                                                                        High School Chamber Choir, Bel Can-
                                                            to, and V (GENTS), while also serving as the director
               Nurturing Growth through Mentorship          of performing arts and chair of the district's strategic
                                                            planning committee. Dunn holds a BME, a Master of
           Experience our enriching mentorship program de-  Education, and has completed additional coursework
        signed to provide additional support during the immer-  for certification in Educational Administration & Su-
        sion  day. Connect with experienced  choral directors   pervision from Southern Arkansas University—Mag-
        who will  guide  those  newer  to  the  profession (under   nolia. His choral ensembles have performed at pres-
        five years) through individualized interactions in small   tigious venues like Carnegie Hall. Dunn serves as the
        groups  of  three  to  five.  Gain  invaluable  advice  and   president of the Arkansas ACDA.
        personalized professional development, fostering both
        individual growth and a choral director’s community.
        Led by Yoojin Muhn, Joshua Oppenheim, and Cath-               Recruiting and Retaining 101
        erine Sailer.
                                                              Whether building a new choral program or main-
        Yoojin Muhn, Joshua Oppenheim, and Catherine        taining enrollment, this session will give you new ideas

        Sailer will be the presenters for this session.     for recruitment and competing to keep singers in your
                                                            program. Led by Larry Dunn and Gretchen Watt.

                                                            Larry Dunn and Gretchen Watt will be the presenters
                Middle School and Early High School         for this session.

        Gretchen Watt and Larry Dunn, Coordinators
                                                                        The Boy’s Changing Voice
                    Gretchen Watt is a dedicated music edu-
                    cator with twenty-six years of experience   This  session  will demonstrate  essential  strategies
                    at Central Jr. High School in Springdale,   and resources for teaching the developing boys voice,
                    Arkansas. Her students excel in all-region   including warm-ups, customizing  vocal lines, and
                    choir, choral  performance assessments,   tried-and-true  literature  that  works!  Led  by  Larry
        and national and regional honor choirs, having been   Dunn and Gretchen Watt.
        featured three  times at the  Arkansas  all-state  music
        conference. She  collaborates with the  University of  Larry Dunn and Gretchen Watt will be the presenters
        Arkansas Choral Music Department and maintains a    for this session.
        private piano and voice studio. With a BME from the
        University of Arkansas, Watt is active in professional

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