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2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference                         February 27 - March 2, 2024                                  Denver, Colorado

                      Harmonizing Diversity:                ceived his BM from Western Michigan University, his
              Best Practices in Choral Music Education      MM at the University of Mississippi, and his DMA in
                                                            choral conducting at the University of North Texas.
           Join us for a dynamic session exploring best practic-  He directs Concert Choir, Collegiate Chorale, Men’s
        es in choral music education, with a focus on diversity.   Choir, and In-A-Chord. He teaches undergraduate
        William George-Twyman will guide discussions on the   and  graduate  conducting and  choral  rehearsal  tech-
        importance of diversity in selecting honor choir clini-  niques. His choirs have performed by invitation at the
        cians and exemplar choirs. We will delve into innova-  New York State School Music Association Conference
        tive teaching methods such as Social Emotional Learn-  (2007), the Kansas MEA Conference (2009, 2012), the
        ing (SEL), Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT), and   Southwestern ACDA Region Conference (2012), and
        Trauma-Informed Practice. Learn how to  foster  an   NCCO (2013).
        inclusive environment that resonates with all students,
        enhancing their musical journey. This session promises   Catherine Sailer is a  coordinator  for  this immersion
        to equip educators with practical strategies to create a   day. Her photo and bio are on page 88.
        more  inclusive,  equitable,  and  effective  choral  music
        education program.
                                                                        Bridging Choral Generations:
        William George-Twyman will be the presenter for this           Embracing Perspectives from
                                                                          Multiple Career Stages

                                                              Featuring  Francis  Cathlina  and Galen  Darrough,
             Higher Education and Collegiate Directors      this session brings together perspectives on topics like

                                                            inclusion, choral music and gender, and balanced cho-
        Yoojin Muhn, Joshua Oppenheim, and Catherine Sail-  ral  programming.  The  session  will  address  finding  a
        er, Coordinators                                    balance between social  justice works, contemporary
                                                            choral literature, and all that is to glean from the his-
                    Yoojin Muhn is  the director  of choral   torical choral canon.
                    activities  at  the  University of Texas at
                    San Antonio, where she conducts  the    Francis Cathlina will be a presenter for this session. His
                    UTSA Chamber  Singers  and teaches      photo and bio are on page 93.
                    choral conducting. She also serves as the
        Music Director for the San Antonio Mastersingers, a   Galen Darrough will be a presenter for this session. His
        120-voice volunteer chorus. Muhn is in high demand   photo and bio are on page 93.
        as a clinician,  guest  conductor, and adjudicator. She
        received a DMA from the University of Southern Cali-
        fornia, an MM in choral conducting from the Univer-
        sity of Cincinnati, an MM in sacred music from West-           Enhancing Choral Excellence
        minster Choir College, and a BA in composition from          through Roundtable Discussions
        Sook Myung Women’s University in Seoul, Korea.

                    Joshua Oppenheim is director of choral    Join Yoojin Muhn, Joshua Oppenheim, and Cath-
                    studies at Kansas State University. Prior   erine Sailer to share experiences, exchange ideas, and
                    to that, he was on faculty at the Crane   collectively elevate the standards of choral excellence
                    School of Music  in  New York.  He re-  in  higher education. Immerse yourself in  insightful

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