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2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference                                                      February 27 - March 2, 2024                                                      Denver, Colorado

                                Immersion Days
                                Immersion Da       ys

                 Secondary and Late High School             ment to education earned him the Missouri Governor’s
                                                            Award for Excellence in Teaching. As a celebrated com-
                                                            poser, he received awards for his songs and piano pieces.
        Pamela  Dawson, William George-Twyman,  and Jim     Furthermore, he boasts a rich performance career as
        Henry, coordinators                                 a two-time Barbershop Harmony Society International
                                                            quartet champion bass with Crossroads. He will make
                    Pamela Dawson, born in Detroit, Michi-  his Carnegie Hall conducting debut in June.
                    gan, began studying music at the age of
                    seven on the piano taught by her father.
                    She continued in music throughout her          “So…what is it you say you do here?”
                    education and was greatly influenced by   Defining the Role of the Modern Secondary Teacher
        her  god-sister,  Dorothy Ashby,  a  well-renowned  jazz
        harpist. She  graduated  from Cass  Technical High    As secondary choir directors, we wear a bunch of dif-
        School as a vocational music major and holds a bach-  ferent hats. We’re so used to “making it work” that we
        elor  of arts in  communications  and theater  with an   sometimes forget what we were hired to do. During this
        emphasis in music and business from Eastern Michi-  session,  attendees  will  work  on  narrowing  and  defin-
        gan University. She studied harp with Ruth Myers and   ing exactly what it is we do in the classroom/rehearsal
        master classes with the late Lucille Lawrence. She is   space. By  the  end of the  session,  attendees  will have
        the director of choral activities at Desoto High School   written a full job description so that they can have more
        and the 2023 GRAMMY Music Educator of the Year.     honest and productive conversations with their adminis-
                                                            trators regarding time commitment, compensation, etc.
                    William George-Twyman is a dedicated
                    educator and seasoned choral conductor,   Pamela Dawson, William George-Twyman and  Jim
                    currently serving as the head of choral   Henry will be the presenters for this session.
                    studies at  Booker  T. Washington High
                    School for the Performing and Visual
        Arts. He  has recently  taken  on the  role  of assistant
        director of the Music Conservatory for Curriculum/        Developing Professionals…Artistically!
        Instruction. Renowned for  his innovative  program-
        ming and multimedia collaborations, he has wielded    How many times have you sat in a PD session that
        the baton for musical theater productions and inter-  doesn’t address your teaching circumstances? How of-
        national performances. He is a trained countertenor,   ten have you been frustrated by yet another STEM pre-
        showcasing his vocal talents in a wide array of classical   sentation that forgets you exist? Don’t you wish it was
        works. He earned his DMA in choral conducting from   different? During this session, attendees will design an
        the University of Oklahoma, a master of sacred music,   outline  for a professional development  workshop  that
        master of music in choral conducting, and a BME.    they would like to present in their home districts. By
                                                            showing the other disciplines what’s really going on in
                    Jim Henry, serves as the director of cho-  the choir room, we can help our colleagues understand
                    ral studies at the University of Missouri-  and develop better teaching methodology that takes the
                    St. Louis. With a PhD in music compo-   arts-minded student into account.
                    sition from Washington University, he
                    conducts  University Singers  and Vocal   Pamela Dawson, William George-Twyman and  Jim
        Point  and teaches courses in  choral  methods,  choral   Henry will be the presenters for this session.
        conducting, and choral  arranging. Henry’s commit-

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