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P. 101

2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference                         February 27 - March 2, 2024                                  Denver, Colorado

         Boys in their thirty-two-city “In A World Like This”   rangements have been performed by The University of
         stadium tour and participated in three American Music  North Texas Jazz Singers, UNT Jazz Singers II, Uni-
         Abroad tours. As a coach, Diaz has adjudicated, per-  versity of Oklahoma Singing Sooners, and performing
         formed, and instructed  at  vocal festivals around the   groups from around the United States.
         country and the world, and served on the vocal coach-
         ing and arranging staff of NBC’s The Sing-Off. Diaz is
         currently based in Maryland, USA.                             Sound 101 with Tony Huerta

                                                              Are you lost when it comes to working with sound
                                                            equipment?  Do  you know  how  to troubleshoot when
                          More Than This:                   no sound comes out? Do you know how to EQ differ-
                 A Talk on Expanding Our Horizons           ent groups? What about purchasing a sound system for
                                                            your classroom or a cappella group? Tony Huerta will
                        through A Cappella                  answer all these questions and more!

           Do you feel particularly “intense” about a cappella?  Tony Huerta will be the presenter for this session.
         Are you in a group you love but feel like you’re stag-
         nating? Do you wish you had more ideas about how
         to  take  your  music further?  Come  have  a  chat  with     Jazz Timbre, Style, and Tuning
         Christopher Diaz about coaching, arranging, listening,
         producing, performing, traveling, teaching, organizing,
         improving, promoting, choreographing, creating, con-  Led  by Dr. Jim Graves, this session  explores those
         necting and any other -ing!                        topics that are critical to the success of the vocal jazz en-
                                                            semble. We will identify timbral choices idiomatic to vo-
         Christopher M. Diaz will be the presenter for this ses-  cal jazz. You will learn tips and tricks for teaching swing,
         sion.                                              bossa nova, and other jazz styles. We will establish tech-
                                                            niques for balancing and tuning tight harmonies.

                                                            Jim Graves will be the presenter for this session.
                       Commercial and Jazz

         Jim Graves, Coordinator
                    Jim Graves is a multifaceted vocal art-
                    ist, arranger, and educator, He serves as   Led  by Dr. Jim Graves, this session  explores vocal
                    director  of choral  activities  at  Southern   jazz improvisations. You will be presented with listening
                    Nazarene  University since 2008. He di-  aids, and tips and tricks for beginning jazz singers to
                    rects the  University Singers, SNU  Cho-  approach vocal improvisation. We will explore motivic
         rale, and Concert  Choir. He also teaches courses in   development through rhythm, breaking down melodies,
         music theory, music education, and private and group   goal tones, etudes, and ways of creating assessment in
         voice. Graves has  led groups  at the National ACDA   your ensemble.
         Convention, at the Jazz Education Network National
         Convention, has presented interest sessions at the na-  Jim Graves will be the presenter for this session.
         tional and regional level of ACDA, and was formerly
         the  Southwest  ACDA Jazz R&R  Chair. Graves’s ar-

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            99
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