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2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference                                                      February 27 - March 2, 2024                                                      Denver, Colorado

                                Immersion Da       ys
                                Immersion Days

                     Guiding Social-Emotional               Engineer  and Production Manager  for  the  ten-time
                     Learning in the Classroom              Grammy-winning group, Take 6, traveling to forty-one
                                                            countries. Huerta is also the founder of Urban Meth-
           Join Dr. Elizabeth Swanson as she facilitates a con-  od, a finalist on NBC’s The Sing Off. His Denver-based
        versation that centers on nurturing community through   studio, Sonic Audio, has  produced, engineered, and
        music making and programming. Strategies for promot-  mastered a variety of a cappella projects. Huerta is in
        ing diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging within the   high demand, often incorporating his beatboxing skills
        choral classroom take center stage.                 into live performances.

        Elizabeth Swanson will be the presenter for this ses-
        sion. Her photo and bio are on page 96.
                                                                            Using Pop Music
                                                                          to Build Better Singers

                     Contemporary A Cappella                  Why should we  perform popular  music  with our
                                                            choirs? How can we use contemporary music to build
        Leia Browning, Coordinator                          stronger singers and diverse programs while expanding
                                                            traditional techniques and challenging choral norms?
                    Leia Browning has  a BME from the       What  exactly is happening in the  vocal mechanism
                    University of North Texas. She also at-  when we sing popular music authentically? Join con-
                    tended Louisiana State University, where   temporary a cappella clinicians Rob Dietz,  J.D. Friz-
                    she studied  musical theatre. Browning   zell, and Christopher M. Diaz as they reveal the ben-
                    has been teaching high school choir for   efits  of  popular  and  contemporary  music  to  choral
        eighteen years. She spent seven years at South Garland   singers and their communities while also addressing the
        High School and is in her tenth year at Rockwall High.    most common roadblocks directors face while teaching
                                                            it. Participants will leave with a better understanding
                                                            of the importance of culturally native pop music in the
                   Sound 101 with Tony Huerta               choral program, strategies to successfully and authen-
                                                            tically teach this music to their singers, and practical
           Are you lost when it comes to working with sound   ways to incorporate it into their programs.
        equipment? Do you know how to troubleshoot when
        no sound comes out? Do you know how to EQ differ-   Rob Dietz will be a presenter for this session. His photo
        ent groups? What about purchasing a sound system for   and bio are on page 90.
        your classroom or a cappella group? Tony Huerta will
        answer all these questions and more!                J. D. Frizzell will be a presenter for this session. His pho-
                                                            to and bio are on page 90.
                    Tony Huerta is a versatile professional in
                    the music industry, excelling as a singer,          Christopher  M.  Diaz is  a vocalist, ar-
                    beatboxer,  recording studio  engineer/             ranger, songwriter, producer, coach  and
                    producer, and live audio engineer. He is            teacher  from Newport  News, VA. Diaz
                    renowned as one of the world’s top acap-            co-founded  the  international  touring
        pella live sound engineers, having mixed performances           group, The Exchange, which performed
        for major acts like Pentatonix, Take 6, and Home Free.   hundreds of shows for audiences in over fifty countries
        For over  a decade, he served  as the  Front of House   on six continents, notably opening for The Backstreet

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