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2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference                         February 27 - March 2, 2024                                  Denver, Colorado

                    Leila Heil is  associate  professor  at the            Teaching Workshop
                    University  of Colorado  Boulder, where
                    she teaches courses in music education.   Rehearsal  flow  and  processes  are  demystified  as
                    A former  K-12 music  teacher, she has   participants  actively explore strategies  for increased
                    presented sessions at numerous national   student engagement and success. This session serves to
        and international conferences including the Midwest   empower the conductor to develop a rehearsal toolbox
        Clinic, the Society for Music Teacher Education Con-  from which to draw within the choral classroom. Led
        ference, NAfME Conference, ACDA National Confer-    by O’Neil Jones and Elizabeth Swanson.
        ence, and the  Research in Music Education  Confer-
        ence. She has authored  and co-authored  articles  for   O’Neil Jones and Elizabeth Swanson will be the pre-
        the Music Educators Journal, the Choral Journal, Visions in   senters for this session.
        Music Education Research, Contributions to Music Education,
        and the Journal of  Music, Technology and Education.


             Programming for the Ensemble You Have,

                      Not the One You Want                  This session engages ideas of literacy as critical to the
                                                            developing young musician.  How, why, and when to
                                                            teach literacy are explored as participants are equipped
           There are a plethora of resources available to new   with tools for immediate success in the classroom. Led
        teachers as they program for their ensembles. Together   by O’Neil Jones and Micah Horton.
        we will explore the  limitless possibilities available  to
        conductors, regardless of the ensemble  complement,   O’Neil Jones and Micah Horton will be the presenters
        providing access to curated repertoire resources for all   for this session.
        levels. Led by O’Neil Jones and Franco Basili.

                    Franco Basili is a DMA student in choral
                    conducting at the University of Houston.         Why Can’t I Just Teach the Music?
                    Originally from Tandil, Argentina, Basili
                    is a choral  director, pianist, and choral   This session explores setting expectations within the
                    singer. He completed  his  MM  in cho-  classroom, concert logistics, and management. Partici-
        ral pedagogy at Carthage College, and his bachelor’s   pants are invited to evaluate the many extra-musical
        degrees in choral conducting and piano pedagogy at   tasks that a teacher must oversee as they build the pro-
        the  Conservatorio  de Música  “Isaías  Orbe”  (Tandil,   gram they envision. Led by O’Neil Jones, Micah Hor-
        Argentina). He is the director of the university chorus   ton, and Franco Basili.
        at the University of Houston, director of the chancel
        choir at Grace Presbyterian Church in Houston, cho-  O’Neil Jones, Micah Horton, and Franco Basili will be
        ral intern at the Grammy-awarded Houston Chamber    the presenters for this session.
        Choir, and member of the multi-award-winning Uni-
        versity of Houston Concert Chorale.

        O’Neil Jones will be a presenter for this session.

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            97
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