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2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference                                                      February 27 - March 2, 2024                                                      Denver, Colorado

                                Immersion Da       ys
                                Immersion Days

                    O’Neil Jones is a native of Montego Bay,   level courses, and serves on master’s and doctoral com-
                    Jamaica. He is highly interested in Jamai-  mittees. Swanson is an active conductor, clinician, and
                    can Choral Theatre and its amalgamation   adjudicator throughout the United States with recent
                    with the recital style of choral production   guest  conducting appearances  at  Carnegie  Hall  and
                    practiced  in the  Americas. His  current   the  University  of  Hawai’i–Mānoa.  She  is  also  vice
         research centers on the nationalistic search for a post-  president of NCCO Executive Board, leading initia-
         colonial identity expressed in Jamaican choral music.   tives for equity and diversity. She holds degrees from
         Jones holds degrees in vocal performance from Alcorn   Northwestern University, Ithaca College, and St. Olaf
         State University and an MM with emphases in choral   College.
         conducting and vocal performance from the Univer-
         sity of Southern Mississippi. He is currently pursuing a
         DMA  in choral conducting and literature at the Uni-
         versity of Colorado, Boulder.                            Things They Didn’t Teach You in College!

                    Elizabeth Swanson is the associate direc-  Moderated by Dr. Leila Heil, this session explores
                    tor of choral studies at the University of   those topics that are critical to the success of the teach-
                    Colorado Boulder. She conducts the CU   er. Topics may include tips for finding work-life balance,
                    Treble Chorus and the University Choir,   ways to create healthy boundaries, setting career goals,
                    teaches undergraduate-  and graduate-   and choosing the right time to get a master’s degree.

                                       P r e s b y t e r i a n   A s s o c i a t i o n   o f   M u s i c i a n s
                                       Worship & Music

                                       Conference                             pRESBYMUSIC.ORG/


               Brandon Boyd         Jefferey Redding          Emily Floyd        Mark Patterson
                      A d u l t           S e n i o r   H i g h  D a v i s   F l o h r   M i d d l e r  C h i l d r e n ' s
                  C h o i r   D i r e c t o r  C h o i r   D i r e c t o r  C h o i r   D i r e c t o r  C h o i r   D i r e c t o r

                                2024                    June 16-21

                                Conference              & June 23-28
                                                        mONTREAT, nORTH CAROLINA
                                                        Register now!

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