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2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference                         February 27 - March 2, 2024                                  Denver, Colorado

                        Music and Worship                           Rise, Shine, and Give Him the Glory:
                                                                         Gospel Music Workshop
        Jonathan Palant and Robert T. Gibson, Coordinators
                                                              Attendees will rehearse various styles of gospel mu-
                    Jonathan Palant is associate dean of the   sic under the guidance of Robert Gibson (R&R Chair
                    arts and director  of choral activities at   of Music in Worship). Gibson will share his insights and
                    the University of Texas at Dallas and is   provide teaching strategies for successful performance.
                    founder and conductor of both Credo, a
                    140-member  community choir, and the    Robert T. Gibson will be the presenter for this session.
        Dallas Street Choir, a musical outlet for those affect-
        ed by homelessness. In addition, Palant is director of
        music at Kessler Park United Methodist Church. His
        book,  Brothers, Sing On! Conducting the Tenor-Bass  Choir,      Limitless: A Time for Us
        and The Jonathan Palant Choral Series are published by the
        Hal Leonard Corporation. Palant holds degrees from    Attendees will benefit from and enjoy this informal
        Michigan State University, Temple University, and the   time to share ideas, strategies, and perhaps concerns.
        University of Michigan.                             Moderated by Jonathan Palant and Robert Gibson.

                    Robert T. Gibson is a Houston native, dy-  Jonathan Palant and Robert T. Gibson will be the pre-
                    namic conductor, clinician, composer/   senters for this session.
                    arranger, lecturer, and educator  with a
                    passion for developing future music edu-
                    cators. Armed with a BME from the Uni-
        versity of North Texas and an MM from Missouri State        New Teachers and College Students
        University, he has held diverse roles in middle schools,
        high schools, colleges, and churches. Gibson’s  choral
        works and arrangements can be found through Walton   Micah Horton, O’Neil Jones, and Elizabeth Swanson,
        Music and Alfred Publications. He is the recipient of   Coordinators
        the 2020 Missouri Choral Director Association Opus
        Award for his arrangement of “We Shall Overcome.”               Micah Horton  is the  director  of  choirs
        Gibson’s work has also been performed by the Texas              at Olathe North High School, in Olathe,
        All-State Tenor Bass Choir and the Missouri Summer              Kansas. He holds an MME from the
        All-State Choir.                                                University of Missouri-Kansas  City
                                                                        Conservatory of Music  in Kansas  City,
                                                            Missouri,  and bachelor’s  degrees  in music  composi-
               Repertoire for Any Sized Worship Choir       tion and psychology from Eastern Nazarene College

                                                            in Quincy, Massachusetts. Horton currently serves as
        This reading  session,  presented  by Jonathan  Palant   the  Youth and Student  Services  R&R Chair  for the
        (R&R Chair of Community Choirs), will include a mix   Southwest ACDA Region. Horton was selected as the
        of old and new ecumenical octavos for any size wor-  2022-2023 Olathe School District Teacher of the Year.
        ship choir. Texts to include English, Latin, Hebrew, and   He is an active adjudicator, clinician, and vocalist. He
        Spanish.                                            has performed with the Te Deum Chamber Choir and
                                                            the Tallgrass Chamber Choir, appearing in numerous
        Jonathan Palant will be the presenter for this session.   recordings.

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