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2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference                                                      February 27 - March 2, 2024                                                      Denver, Colorado

                                Immersion Da
                                Immersion Days

                     I’m Retired, Now What?                             Voices of Colorado. With thirty years of

                                                                        public school experience, she served the
           Join Eph Ehly as he shares strategies to find fulfill-       Cherry Creek  School District  as Cam-
        ment and happiness within the choral music profession           pus  Middle School’s  choir director  and
        post-retirement. This interest session will explore op-         the  district  music coordinator. She  also
        portunities for retired choral directors to continue their   shared her expertise at the Metropolitan State Univer-
        passion through conducting engagements, mentoring   sity of Denver teaching music education classes. Camp
        younger  directors,  and  much  more!  Participants  will   has served SWACDA as a past president, treasurer, and
        discover new ways to stay connected to the choral com-  program chair for many SWACDA Conferences. She
        munity while reigniting their love for the art form.   has earned degrees from Trinity University and The
                                                            University of Texas at San Antonio. She also has a mu-
                    Eph Ehly has conducted over eighty all-  sic specialist degree from the University of Colorado at
                    state  choirs and more  than  600 festival   Denver. Camp was inducted  into the Colorado Music
                    ensembles. As  a conductor, author, lec-  Educators Hall of Fame and received ACDA’s Volun-
                    turer, and clinician  he has  appeared in   teer of the Year award.
                    forty-eight states, Canada, Brazil, Japan,
        Mexico, and various countries  throughout  Europe.              Jonathan Owen retired as choral direc-
        Ehly retired from the Conservatory of Music, Univer-            tor in  2018 after  thirty years  as  a Mis-
        sity of Missouri-Kansas City, after twenty-seven years          souri public school music teacher. During
        of service. He has additionally served at the University        his teaching tenure, his choirs performed
        of Oklahoma and University of  New  Mexico,  hav-               eight times at the Missouri MEA Confer-
        ing  supervised nearly 200  graduate  students.  Ehly is   ence (1992, 1998, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2011, 2013 and
        the recipient of numerous teaching and performance   2016) and for the 2002 Music Educators National Con-
        excellence awards and grants, including the Missouri   ference (NAfME).  In his retirement, Owen serves as
        Choral Directors Association Luther Spade Choral Di-  organist/accompanist at Trinity Lutheran Church in
        rector of the Year Award and the AMOCO Founda-      Chesterfield, MO. He has an MM in choral conducting
        tion Outstanding Teaching Award.                    from Missouri State University, a BME voice emphasis
                                                            (Certificate  Recital)  from  Evangel  University  and  an
                                                            AA  from Neosho County Community College  (KS).
                                                            Owen is currently the president-elect for SWACDA.
                  How Do You Spell Retirement?

                    R-E-B-I-R-T-H! That’s How!              Mark Lawley will be a presenter for this session. His
                        A Panel Discussion                  photo and bio are on page 93.

           Join Margie Camp, Jonathan Owen, and Mark Law-
        ley for a panel discussion on retirement. Your rebirth is
        an opportunity to continue contributing to the profes-
        sion with vigor. Audience participation is encouraged
        and welcomed!

        Margie Camp has a rich background in music educa-
        tion.  She  recently  retired  from her  role  as adminis-
        trative director and training choir director for Young

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