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2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference                                                      February 27 - March 2, 2024                                                      Denver, Colorado

                                 Immersion Da       ys
                                 Immersion Days

         Immersion Day Sessions - Wednesday, February 28              Bridging Choral Generations:
                         Embassy Suites                               Embracing Perspectives from

                                                                         Multiple Career Stages
          7:30 AM - 8:50 AM: Breakfast @ Embassy Atrium

                                                              Featuring  Francis  Cathlina  and Galen  Darrough,
                                                            this session brings together perspectives on topics like
                             Retiree                        inclusion, choral music and gender, and balanced cho-
                                                            ral  programming.  The  session  will  address  finding  a
        Mark Lawley and A. Jan Taylor, Coordinators
                                                            balance between social  justice works, contemporary
                                                            choral literature, and all that is to glean from the his-
                    Mark Lawley is a retired choral conductor   torical choral canon.
                    with four decades of success. He has held
                    leadership roles that  included president           Francis Cathlina (he/him) is  a distin-
                    of the Southwestern ACDA Region, Mis-               guished Vietnamese American conductor
                    souri Choral  Directors  Association, and           and educator known for innovative pro-
        South Central Missouri MEA. He is High School R&R               gramming that seamlessly weaves choral
        Chair at MCDA and serves on National ACDA’s Edu-                music with narrative. As the director of
        cation and Communication Committee. Lawley holds    choral activities at the University of Memphis Rudi E.
        a bachelor’s in piano from Evangel University and a   Scheidt School of Music, he provides visionary leader-
        master’s in conducting from Missouri State University.   ship for the Choral Area, conducts flagship choirs, and
        Lawley  founded renowned choral ensembles and re-   oversees choral conducting programs. Cathlina's East-
        ceived multiple awards for his dedication to music edu-  ern heritage deeply influences his teaching philosophy,
        cation, culminating in a 2018 National Federation of   emphasizing  collaboration and rigor. He was named
        State Schools Associations Music Educator of the Year   a National Finalist for The American Prize in Choral
        Award.                                              Conducting. He holds a DMA from the University of
                                                            North Texas, an MM from Michigan State University,
                    A.  Jan Taylor, an accomplished educa-  and a BME from Baylor University.
                    tor, pianist, singer, and choral conductor,
                    recently retired as the director of choral          Galen Darrough is a distinguished profes-
                    music  activities at Prairie  View A&M              sor emeritus with a wealth of experience
                    University. She holds a BM  from the Uni-           spanning twenty-four states, several Ca-
        versity of Houston, an MA from Prairie View A&M                 nadian provinces, and Latin America. He
        University, and a DMA from the University of Hous-              has directed, adjudicated, and offered his
        ton. Taylor’s impressive career includes teaching music,   expertise to choirs from junior and senior high schools
        adjudicating  choral  competitions,  and  performing as   to universities. His  leadership led the University  of
        a singer with esteemed professional choral ensembles.   Northern Colorado Concert Choir to be among the
        She  is a  recognized  authority on African American   few choirs chosen NCCO’s national  conference. He
        spirituals and has conducted internationally acclaimed   received the Douglas R. McEwen Award for Choral
        choral groups.                                      Excellence from Arizona State University. Darrough’s
                                                            passion for choral music continues as a lecturer in cho-
                                                            ral music at the University of Colorado Boulder.

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