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February 23-26, 2022                                                      Raleigh, North Carolina

                    Erin Plisco is the as-  prolific composer and arranger, he  University of North Texas (BA) and
                    sociate director of  has over 450 popular choral works,  George Mason University (MM,
                    choral studies at Mis-  vocal resources, and children’s musi-  DMA).
                    souri State University,  cals currently in print, including the
                    where she helps lead a  highly regarded method books  Sing
        comprehensive choral program of  at First Sight, Foundations in Choral Sight
        over 300 singers, conducts multiple  Singing, and  Vocalize! 45 Vocal Warm   A New Approach to
        choirs, and teaches undergraduate/  Ups That Teach Technique.                Mandarin-Chinese
        graduate choral conducting and lit-                                     Lyric Diction in Choral Music
        erature. She is a frequent guest cli-
        nician across the United States and                                    This interest session presents a
        abroad, and currently serves as the     More than a “Treat” —        new approach to the Mandarin-Chi-
        SSAA R&R Chair for Southwestern     Making Broadway, Pop, and Jazz   nese lyric diction in Chinese cho-
        ACDA. Plisco has a DMA from the        a Part of Your Curriculum     ral literature, using a method in a
        University of Arizona.
                                                                             combination of the International
                                             What if you could integrate pop,  Phonetic Alphabet System and the
                                           jazz, and musical theatre repertoire  Chinese Pin Yin System. It is de-
              Meet Me in the Middle:       into your entire program instead  signed specifi cally for non-native
                 Choral Music for          of just one selection or concert?  Chinese-speaking singers and choral
                                           During this session, we will explore  directors who wish to perform and
               Middle School Voices        selections from these genres and  program choral repertoire in Man-

                                           show how proper vocal technique  darin Chinese and learn more about
           Join clinician Andy Beck as we  for these styles can be applied to our  lyric diction beyond the traditional
        sing through the best and most ap-  traditional concert repertoire.  We  Western European lyric diction lan-
        propriate repertoire selected specifi -  will also discuss how to choose rep-  guages.

        cally for middle school singers. Mu-  ertoire to best fit your choir’s ability
        sic in this session will address your  level and pedagogical needs while  Pingyi Song is the clinician for this
        big concerns, like finding music for  empowering the choir to assist in  session. Her photo and bio are on

        changing voices, balancing fun se-  programming choices.             page 24.
        lections with educational repertoire,
        motivating teen singers, easy move-           CJ  Redden-Liotta  (he/
        ment ideas, and more. A compli-               him/his) teaches at
        mentary music packet (including a             Falls Church High         Quarter Notes, Eighth Notes,
        variety of voicings, from 2-part tre-         School and serves as       and Dendrites! How Brain
        ble through beginning SATB) will be           music minister at Vi-       Research Can Make Your
        given to each director in attendance.  enna Baptist Church. He has per-

                                           formanced with the National Sym-      Rehearsals More Effective
                    Andy Beck received  phony Orchestra and NSO Pops
                    a BME from Ithaca  as a professional chorister in the      Researchers have identifi ed  a
                    College and an MME  Washington, DC area, and musical  number of principles that the brain
                    from Northwest Mis-    theatre and cabaret performanc-   uses in retention.  By applying these
                    souri State University.  es as triple-threat performer, mu-  principles, choral conductors can
        Beck currently is the director of cho-  sical director, and audio engineer.  make their rehearsals more effi  cient
        ral publications at Alfred Music. A  Redden-Liotta is a graduate of the  and eff ective, and student singers

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2022                                                                           Volume 62  Number 5            79
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