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2022 ACDA Southern Region Conference
Honor Choir C
Honor Choir Conductorsors
cently been appointed director of choirs at the new Lake Mary Biddlecombe serves as artistic di-
Buena Vista High School and is artistic and executive rector of the Blair Children’s Chorus at
director of Orlando Sings. He received his DMA from Vanderbilt University, overseeing the pro-
Michigan State University and his BME and MME from gram’s six choirs encompassing students
the Florida State University. in grades 1-12. She also teaches courses
in music education and choral literature at Vanderbilt
as part of the Blair-to-Peabody teacher education pro-
gram. Before joining the faculty at the Blair School of
Unchanged Cambiata Tenor Bass Music, she spent ten years as a public school choral di-
rector in New York, Georgia, and Florida, encompass-
Grades 4-9
ing every grade level. Biddlecombe has conducted all-
state choruses for Alabama and Florida, and regional
Tucker Biddlecombe is associate professor honor choirs in ten states. She holds an MM from the
and director of choral activities at Van- Florida State University and a BME from the Crane
derbilt University’s Blair School of Music, School Music at SUNY Potsdam.
where he serves as conductor of the Van-
derbilt Chorale and the Vanderbilt Glee
Club. He also coordinates the Blair-to-Peabody teach-
er education program teaching courses in choral con- Youth Treble
ducting and music education. In addition, Biddlecombe Grades 4-6
is entering his fifth season as director of the Nashville
Symphony Chorus, the vocal arm of the Nashville Sym-
phony Orchestra. Biddlecombe is a graduate of SUNY Kelly A. Miller is an associate professor
Potsdam and the Florida State University, where he of music and coordinator of music edu-
completed doctoral studies in choral conducting and cation at the University of Central Flori-
music education. da, where she conducts the SoAl Chorus,
Ensemble, and TeBa Chorus. She teach-
es introduction to music education, secondary choral
methods, conducting, and graduate classes in music
education while coordinating and supervising student
teachers through their junior and senior internships.
Miller is the president-elect of Florida ACDA and
serves as the chancel choir director at Grace Covenant
ACDA has embarked on a national campaign to help our Presbyterian in Orlando. Miller holds National Board
organization bridge the gap between pre-pandemic and post- Certification in secondary choral music and a DMA in
pandemic times. ONE ACDA is our effort to honor the impact that choral conducting from Michigan State University.
ACDA makes at every level of its existence: state, region, national.
Find a full list of individuals who have given generously to this
fund at:
84 CHORAL JOURNAL January 2022 Volume 62 Number 5