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2022 ACDA Southern Region Conference

                                    In t e r est S
                                    Interest Sessionsessions

        that will honor singers from all age   section leaders, the presenters will  versity. He has numerous lecture
        groups.                            share strategies to maximize learn-  appearances at national, regional,
                                           ing and musicality in sectionals, ways  and state conferences of the AGO,
        Matthew Garrett  is a clinician for   to address challenges like minimal  ACDA, and NAfME. He is director
        this session. His photo and bio are   preparation time and piano skills,  of music and organist at Procla-
        on page 46.                        and suggestions for inspiring peers  mation Presbyterian Church (Bryn
                                           and mitigating conflict. For conduc-  Mawr, PA).

        Joshua Palkki is a clinician for this   tors, the presenters will share ways to
        session. His photo and bio are on   cultivate, encourage, and train their        Felicia Mulé is the mu-
        page 47.                           section leaders, help them pace re-           sic teacher at Owen
                                           hearsals, and improve their teaching          J. Roberts Middle
                                           and listening techniques.                     School in Pottstown,
                 Improving the                                                           PA, where she teach-
               Sectional Rehearsal:                   Ryan Kelly is associate  es choir and general music. She is
                                                      professor and associate  also associate director for children’s
              Steps to Productivity,                  director of choral ac-  creative arts at Paoli Presbyterian
              Musicality, and Unity                   tivities at West Chester  Church in Paoli, PA. She has a BM
                                                      University of Pennsyl-  and MM from West Chester Uni-
          Choir sectionals should be pro-  vania, where he directs four choirs  versity of PA.
        ductive, musical, and unifying expe-  and teaches courses in choral music.
        riences for singers, and this session   His degrees are from Michigan State
        is designed to help student section   University, the University of Okla-
        leaders and their conductors. For   homa, and Houston Baptist Uni-         Looking for Treble in
                                                                                   Old and New Places:
                                                                                   Historical Repertoire

                                                                                     for Treble Voices
           2021-22 ADMISSION AND
                                                                               Do you struggle to  fi nd  engag-
            February 12, 2022  •  March 19, 2022                             ing and high-quality historical rep-
                      April 9, 2022                                          ertoire for treble voices? You are
                                                                             not alone! This session will pro-
                                                                             vide multiple resources for fi nding
                              10501 FGCU Boulevard South
                              Fort Myers, FL 33965-6565                      high-quality historical repertoire
                              (239) 590-7851
                                                 for treble voices of all ages. A di-
                              An All Steinway School                         verse body of composers will be
                                                                             represented, including many not
           Music Education | Music Performance | Music Therapy               found in the traditional Western
                                                                             Canon. From 9th-century Byzan-
           INSPIRE   CREATE   PERFORM                                        tine church music to 20th- century
                                                                             Asia, this session will include histor-
           GENEROUS SCHOLARSHIPS AND OUT-OF-STATE TUITION WAIVERS            ical repertoire from all corners of
                    AVAILABLE FOR TALENTED UNDERGRADUATES                    the globe.

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