Page 84 - Jan.indd
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2022 ACDA Southern Region Conference
est S
Interest Sessionsessions
appointments include chorus master perspectives emphasized by diver- Panel:
for the Pensacola Opera, director of sity, social-emotional learning, and
the Women’s Chorus and assistant culturally-relevant pedagogy to ap- Maria A. Ellis, “Girl
to the director of choral Studies at ply to real-world classroom scenari- Conductor,” is a music
the University of North Texas, and os. Session attendees will have an op- education consultant,
director of Choral Music at Jordan portunity to submit questions about creator of diverse mu-
High School (Utah). He holds de- how to actively approach classroom sic education resourc-
grees in conducting, vocal pedagogy, scenarios before the session, and the es, and conductor.
and music education from the Uni- panel will then discuss practical ways
versity of North Texas and the Uni- to support both students and the di- Jasmine Fripp, “The
versity of Utah. rector in selected scenarios. Passionate Black Ed-
ucator,” is music cur-
Moderator: riculum specialist, and
anti-racist education
“What Would You Do?” Emily Williams Burch trainer.
An Interactive Panel is visiting professor of Kanisha Howard, “The
Discussion on Real-World music and coordina- Connected Black Edu-
tor of music education
Classroom Scenarios at the University of cator,” is a music edu-
South Carolina–Aiken, and founder cator and musician.
Join us for an interactive panel dis- and artistic director at RISE Cho-
cussion that will utilize action-based rales
Southern Region Registration Information
Register at
Early Registration ends 11:59 pm CST January 27, 2022
Attendee $280 Retired $160 Student $75
Registration after 11:59 pm CST January 27, 2022
Attendee $310 Retired $175 Student $100
On-site Registration
Attendee $330 Retired $225 Student $150
82 CHORAL JOURNAL January 2022 Volume 62 Number 5