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2022 ACDA Southern Region Conference

                    Chantae D. Pittman        Will I Ever Be Good Enough?                Alan Stevens  is co-di-
                    is a high school choral   Finding Our Worth as Conductors            rector of choral activ-
                    director, adjudicator,                                               ities at East Tennessee
                    researcher, and music    Conductors at every level often             State University. He is
                    education equity advo-  feel inadequate. In a recent survey,         the Southern ACDA
                    cate.                  many struggled to see themselves as   Region and Tennessee State R&R
                                           “good enough” when compared to    Chair for TTBB choirs. He is a fre-
                    Christina Vehar, the  others who had more public success.   quent guest conductor, and he works
                    “Full of HeART Ed-     This session will explore the rea-  to develop interpersonal connec-
                    ucator,” is a middle  sons our career focuses on external   tions and a greater understanding of
                    school choral director,  validation rather than the daily suc-  our shared humanity through choral
                    advocate, and arts ed-  cesses we experience. It will present   music. Stevens is also the artistic di-
                    ucator.                research-backed methods to help us   rector of the Knoxville Gay Men’s
                                           focus on the actions that we control,   Chorus and Renovam, a profession-
                                           and look at ways to improve men-  al choir based in Knoxville.
                                           tal well-being when we begin to feel
                                           frustrated with the conducting ca-

                                   2022 ACDA Southern Region Conference

                                    Honor Choir C      onduc   t
                                    Honor Choir Conductorsors

                          Advanced SATB                     sic education and a MME, both from the Florida State
                                                            University, and a BME from Florida A&M University.
                           Grades 10-12

                    Jeff ery Redding, the 2019 Grammy Music                  Advanced Treble
                    Educator Award Recipient, is the newly
                    announced director of choral activities at                 Grades 7-9
                    the University of Central Florida (UCF).
                    Redding has led his choirs in performances         Andrew Minear is an active conductor,
        at national, regional, and state ACDA conferences. Red-        music educator, choral clinician, adjudi-
        ding has conducted the ACDA National High School               cator, and conference presenter. Recent
        Honor Choir, ACDA Central, North Central, and East-            or upcoming conducting engagements in-
        ern Region Honor Choirs, and all-state and honor choirs        clude the National Concert Chorus in Car-
        in approximately forty states. Redding was awarded the  negie Hall, the Seoul Oratorio Festival in South Korea,
        R. Wayne Hugoboom Distinguished Service Award for  the Southern ACDA Region SSAA Honor Choir, Music
        dedicated service, leadership, and excellence by Florida  and Worship Arts weeks in Lake Junaluska and Mon-
        ACDA. Redding holds a PhD in choral conducting/mu-  treat, and all-state choirs in seven states. Minear has re-

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