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2022 ACDA Southern Region Conference

                                    Interest Sessionsessions
                                    In t e r est S

        with Newport News Public Schools      Conducting Outside the Box:    son planning, student responsibility,
        in Southeastern Virginia. She will      Creative Approaches to       and an insistence on excellence ev-
        conduct the European Music Edu-                                      ery day, the classroom will become
        cators Association Honor Choir in        Practicing Conducting       a healthy and safe environment for
        Frankfurt, Germany, in 2022.                                         musical exploration. Tools present-
                                             In this interactive session, partic-  ed at this session can be tailored to
                    Lesley Maxwell Mann    ipants will engage in a series of un-  each unique situation and individual
                    is associate professor   conventional conducting exercises  instructor.
                    of music at Belmont    aimed at enhancing the process of
                    University, where she   learning music and practicing con-           Lauren Whitham Ray-
                    serves as coordinator   ducting. What’s it like to conduct           naud  serves as associ-
        of music education, teaches course-  with only your elbows? How can              ate director of choral
        work in choral methods, middle     movement in the lower body during             activities at Western
        school methods, conducting, music   score study translate to expressive-         Kentucky    Universi-
        theory, behavior modifi cation,  and   ness of conducting gesture? This  ty, where she directs the Universi-
        conducts Women’s Chorus. As a      session offers tools and strategies for  ty Singers and Treble Chorus, and

        performer, she has sung with Vocal   adding layers of playfulness and ex-  teaches music education and aural
        Arts Nashville, Collegium, the Festi-  ploration to a conductor’s personal  skills courses. Her choirs were in-
        val Singers of Florida, and the Tal-  artistic practice.             vited to perform at NAfME confer-
        lahassee Bach Parley. At Walt Disney                                 ences in Washington State in 2008,
        World, she sang with the Voices of            Aaron Peisner is direc-  2010, and 2014, and Kentucky
        Liberty and swam with Finding                 tor of choral activities  in 2021. Raynaud earned her BM
        Nemo, the Musical!                            and assistant professor  from Pacifi c Lutheran University,
                                                      at University of North  her MM from Western Washington
                    Amy Kotsonis is associ-           Carolina Wilmington,  University, and her DMA from the
                    ate professor of choral   where he directs the Concert Choir  University of Georgia.
                    ensembles and music    and Chamber Choir and teaches
                    education at the Uni-  courses in aural skills, conducting,
                    versity of Northern    class voice, and choral methods. He
        Iowa, where she conducts UNISing-  previously served as interim direc-      Fantastic Beasts and
        ers and the Cecilians. She also teach-  tor of choirs at Goucher College in   Where to Find Them:
        es conducting, choral methods, and   Towson, MD. He holds degrees from     Navigating the Quest
        music education courses at UNI, and   the University of Maryland, Yale       for Repertoire that
        is the artistic director of the Metro-  University, and Wesleyan University.

        politan Chorale and UNI Children’s                                         Affirms All Our Singers
        Choir. Kotsonis completed a PhD
        in music education and choral con-  Creative Classroom Management:     Representation matters in our
        ducting at the Florida State Uni-                                    song selection. Finding authentic

        versity, an MM at the University         Stop Disciplining and       music to fulfill this mission, howev-
        of New Hampshire, and a BME at              Start Teaching           er, can sometimes seem like a myth-
        New York University.                                                 ical quest. In this interactive session,
                                             Managing a classroom is about  discover  accessible resources where
                                           communicating clear and consistent  you can  fi nd repertoire honoring a
                                           expectations. Through creative les-  variety of cultures, traditions, and

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