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2022 ACDA Southern Region Conference
est S
Interest Sessionsessions
will learn faster and remember bet- Paul Neal is a clinician for this ses- Shaping the Sound:
ter. This session will identify and de- sion. His photo and bio are on page
scribe practical techniques, support- 68. Attaining Artistic Authenticity
ed by brain research, that the choral in Your Jazz and
conductor can apply to any rehears- Gary Packwood is a clinician for this Pop Vocal Ensemble
al situation from youth to university, session. His photo and bio are on
middle school to life-long singer. page 54.
This presentation will discuss the
Bradley Almquist was similarities and diff erences between
appointed the director Running an Effi cient Rehearsal: traditional chamber choirs and Vo-
of choral activities at cal Jazz ensembles, and will exam-
Murray State Univer- Rehearsal Techniques to Improve ine pedagogical approaches (adjust-
sity in 1992. He re- Rhythm, Intonation, and Diction ments) to achieving an authentic
ceived a BME and MME from the Vocal Jazz sound with your ensem-
University of North Dakota and This session will demonstrate ble.
was awarded the first DMA in cho- strategies to lead effi cient, engaging
ral conducting by Louisiana State a cappella rehearsals. It will off er Darden Purcell is a
University, Baton Rouge. Choirs techniques to improve the rhythmic featured soloist with
conducted by Almquist have per- awareness of your singers. Methods symphony orchestras,
formed for the ACDA, MEA, and to develop the aural skills of your big bands, and small
MENC. In addition, his choir was singers and incorporate improved ensembles. As a jazz
honored to perform the Raymond listening throughout the rehearsal vocal educator, her ensembles have
Brock Memorial Commission at the will be demonstrated. Attendees will performed at the Kansas City Jazz
2006 Southern ACDA Region Con- hear the amazing differences in in- Summit, ACCENT Vocal Festival,
ference. tervals between equal temperament, and Jazz Education Network con-
mean tone, just scale, and Pythago- ference, and have shared the stage
rean tuning. with the New York Voices, Manhat-
Repairing the Racial Divide— tan Transfer and ACCENT. Purcell
Kent Hatteberg is the clinician for is the director of Jazz Studies, Jazz
Ways to Promote a More this session. His photo and bio are Voice instructor and director of
Inclusive Choral World on page 67. the Mason Jazz Vocal Ensemble at
George Mason University. The Ma-
Gary Packwood, professor at Mis- The Louisville Chamber Choir is the son Jazz Vocal Ensemble is a demon-
sissippi State University, and Paul demonstration choir for this session. stration choir for this session.
Neal, associate professor at Berry Their photo and bio are on page 67.
College, speak to the need of open
conversation about race in our cho-
ral world. In our choral profession,
we must fi nd new pathways of com-
munication and personal account-
ability regarding the current racial
climate in the United States.
80 CHORAL JOURNAL January 2022 Volume 62 Number 5