Page 77 - Jan.indd
P. 77
February 23-26, 2022 Raleigh, North Carolina
demic world. We will explore how
Breaking Barriers, Blurring Lines: A Choral Tune Up:
mindfulness and community activi-
Genre-Homogenous Choral Time Savers and Stress Relievers ties create a calm, safe, and inclusive
Music of Resilience— experience for all singers.
Works by Ellington, Williams, This session, full of “use-it-
Brubeck, and Bonds on-Monday” ideas, will provide Erynn Millard is the
time-saving strategies and stress-re- newly appointed direc-
lieving activities for the choral re- tor of choral activities
Throughout the Jim Crow era hearsal. Following the pandemic, at Florida Internation-
to the 1960’s race riots, compos- many have re-evaluated rehearsal al University in Miami.
ers expressed deeply held views priorities and desire to keep some Previously, she was the director of
for equity, equality, and justice and of our pandemic practices with our choral activities and associate pro-
reached for new ways to have their in-person experience. As we transfer fessor of choral music education at
voices heard. This presentation the community-building activities of Minnesota State University Moor-
explores the jazz-classical-gospel online and small-group teaching to head. Prior to completing a doctor-
blends of four pioneering art- our full ensembles, we aim to enrich ate at the Florida State University,
ists—Duke Ellington, Mary Lou the choral experience in a post-pan- she taught choral music for ten years
Williams, Dave Brubeck, and
Margaret Bonds—and provides
resources for performing many of
their works.
Melodie Galloway is
an experienced con-
ductor, educator, per-
former, and compos-
er. She holds an MM
from the Florida State University
and a DMA from the University
of North Carolina-Greensboro.
She has appeared as an invited
conductor for national and inter-
national performances, including
the Eastern European premiere of
Dan Forrest’s Requiem for the Living
with combined choirs and orches-
tra. Currently, Galloway is profes-
sor of music at the University of
North Carolina–Asheville.
CHORAL JOURNAL January 2022 Volume 62 Number 5 75