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2022 ACDA Southern Region Conference

                                    Interest Sessionsessions
                                           est S
            Anyone Can Arrange Music!      origines, and the music of neighbor-  ern pop and rock songs, participants
                                           ing countries such as Indonesia, and  will be exposed to unique ways to
              (And Everyone Should)        the Pacifi c Islands, Australian choral  insert technical instruction into their

                                           composers have found a rich and  daily warm-up routine.
           We need to stop viewing arrang-  unique voice that is distinctively Aus-
        ing as an advanced skill that can  tralian. This interest session focuses        Holly Grefe  is in her
        only be taught or engaged in after  on presenting Australian choral lit-         23rd year as director
        a student has learned suffi  cient mu-  erature that is accessible to choirs       of choirs at Lafayette
        sic theory and notation skills. More  of diff erent ages and capabilities,        High School in Lafay-
        than any other activity, arranging  including children’s choruses, high          ette, Louisiana. During
        music for your choir will make you  school and university choirs, com-  her tenure, her students have accu-
        a better director, and teaching your  munity choirs, and semi-professional  mulated over 180 district, state and
        students to arrange will make them  ensembles.                       national awards. Her choirs have
        better musicians. Come learn how,                                    been selected to perform at multiple
        in this session with Garrett Breeze,          Kym Scott  is the di-  Louisiana ACDA State Vocal Con-
        one of a select few who has made a            rector of choral activ-  ferences, as well as the 2016 South-
        full-time career out of arranging and         ities at West Virginia  ern ACDA Region Conference.
        orchestrating.                                University, where she  Grefe earned her MME from the
                                                      conducts four choirs,  Florida State University. In 2013,
                    Garrett Breeze is a  teaches conducting, choral tech-    she was named Lafayette Education
                    Nashville-based com-   niques, and choral literature, and  Foundation’s High School Teacher
                    poser and arranger  oversees the choral conducting grad-  of the Year.
                    whose credits include  uate program. She regularly presents
                    film and television,  at state, regional, national, and in-           Victoria Qualls Atkins

        Broadway stars, Grammy-winning  ternational conferences. Scott is cur-           has recently begun a
        classical artists, and many of the top  rently the immediate past president      new path as executive
        high school music programs in the  and collegiate honor choir chair for          director of Chorale des
        United States. He has more than  ACDA West Virginia.                             Amis in Lafayette, LA.
        1,000 choral arrangements current-                                   For 13 years, Atkins served as direc-
        ly in circulation. He holds a bache-                                 tor of choirs at LJ Alleman Fine Arts
        lor’s in media music from Brigham                                    Magnet Academy. Under her direc-
        Young University and a master’s in   Begin with the End in Mind—     tion, LJA choirs consistently earned
        commercial composition and ar-         One Warm-Up at a Time!        superior ratings at district and state
        ranging from Belmont University.                                     music assessments. LJA choral en-
                                             How many times have you eff ec-  sembles were selected as a featured
                                           tively taught your choral literature,  choir at the Louisiana ACDA State
                                           only to realize your  kids sound great  Conference in 2012. In 2014, Atkins
           Australian Choral Repertoire
                                           but look bored? This session will pro-  was named Middle School Teacher
                for All Age Levels         vide multiple creative choral warm-  of the Year by the Lafayette Educa-
                                           ups that promote expressive singing,  tion Foundation.
           Through the vast and diverse  musicality, aural skills, and esprit des
        Australian landscape, the traditions  corps. Using solfege, canons, and
        and sounds of the Indigenous Ab-   commercial jingles, along with mod-

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