Page 79 - Jan.indd
P. 79

February 23-26, 2022                                                      Raleigh, North Carolina

        identities. From Sufi melodies to  the teaching profession, moving to  racism through professional growth.
        works by LGBTQ+ composers, par-    a new program, opening a school,
        ticipants will listen and sing excerpts  or reviving a program, teachers will    Trevor Tran is head of
        from a variety of fantastic works and  walk away from this session ready to      performing arts and
        learn exactly where and how to fi nd  restore, recruit, and restructure.          director of vocal arts
        the powerful beasts that are shaping                                             at Fort Myers High
        the future of choral music.                   McKenna Stenson is                 School in Southwest
                                                      an innovative conduc-  Florida. At FMHS, he leads the cho-

                    Wes Stoner is the di-             tor, teacher, and vocal-  ral ensembles, teaches AP Music
                    rector of choirs at Wal-          ist. She has built a ca-  Theory and IB Music, and advis-
                    ton High School in the            reer inspiring students  es the school’s Tri-M Music Honor

                    Cobb County School     to sing with confidence and moti-  Society chapter. Tran sings with the
                    District in Georgia,   vating communities to create lasting  Festival Singers of Florida and the
        where he conducts the T/B Ensem-   change through song. Her energet-  Fort Myers Mastersingers, and ac-
        ble, Camerata Singers, and Walton   ic demeanor permeates positivity  tively composes. He holds concur-
        A Cappella. Stoner is also a can-  throughout the ensemble, creating  rent master’s degrees in choral con-
        didate for a DMA from the Frost    a community of compassion, trust,  ducting and music composition from
        School of Music at the University of   and resilience. Stenson is currently  Temple University and a BM from
        Miami (FL). He is in his seventeenth   a DMA student in choral conduct-  San Jose State University.
        year of teaching choral music at the   ing at the University of North Texas
        high school level and has held sev-  (UNT).
        eral leadership positions in Georgia
        MEA and ACDA.                                                               Honoring Trans and
                                                                                 Gender-Expansive Singers
                                                   Growth Mindset:
        Jami Lercher is a clinician for this
        session. Her photo and bio are on      Striving for Improvement        Trans   and    gender-expansive
        page 47.                               in Your Choir and Yourself    (TGE) singers deserve safe and

                                                                             empowering spaces to engage in
                                             This session centers on the growth  high-quality choral music experienc-
                   Fixer Upper:            mindset, which is a pedagogical ap-  es. Drawing from their new Oxford

               Transforming Choral         proach fostering the belief that intel-  University Press book, Honoring Trans
                                           ligence and skills can be developed  and Gender-Expansive Students in Music
           Communities Post-Pandemic       instead of remaining static and un-  Education, the presenters will provide
                                           changeable. The session will out-  context and practical suggestions for
           While the pandemic presented  line the growth mindset approach,  working with students who inhab-
        unprecedented challenges for choral  present strategies and examples for  it a variety of spaces among gen-
        singing, this time forced creativity,  implementing a growth mindset in  der-identity and gender expression
        innovation, and collaboration. Re-  an ensemble, and explore how the  continuums. Choral director-educa-
        verting back to what we know can  growth mindset can be used to ad-  tors will have opportunities to refl ect
        be comforting, but this is the time  dress current societal issues like rac-  on their own choral settings, engage
        to remember the things from the  ism. Participants will learn about  in a discussion of policies, consider
        pandemic that kept our programs  their own mindset tendencies, gain  instructional strategies, and practice
        alive while we move into the time  ideas for creating an environment of  healthy group vocal techniques (e.g.
        to thrive. Whether you are entering  growth, and discover ways to combat  semi-occluded vocal tract exercises)

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2022                                                                           Volume 62  Number 5            77
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