Page 83 - Jan.indd
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February 23-26, 2022                                                      Raleigh, North Carolina

        The Mason Jazz Vocal Ensemble is  ference for four years. She is active  of teachers choose to leave the pro-
        the award-winning vocal group of  as a conductor, adjudicator, and  fession before their 5th year. This
        George Mason University. Founded  clinician. McDermott is continually  means that, for many, the longevity
        in 2014, this group has performed  searching for new ways to make ad-  of one’s career is actually shorter
        at Jazz4Justice concerts, Mason Jazz  vanced musical concepts accessible,  than the time spent in school pre-
        Vocal Nights, the Kansas City Jazz  and to prioritize artistry and expres-  paring for the profession. What are
        Summit (where they were awarded  sion for singers.                   some steps we can take to manage
        “outstanding ensemble”), JENera-                                     burnout? Conductor survival strate-
        tions Jazz Festival, and were a fea-                                 gies are an important part of every
        tured collegiate group at the 2018                                   educator’s toolbox.
        Jazz Education Network conference         Time for a Tune-up:
        in Dallas, TX. The MJVE has had      Efficient Strategies to Manage              Peter Steenblik  is di-

        the distinct honor of opening for                                                rector of choral activi-
        The New York Voices, The Manhat-     Symptoms of Artistic Burnout                ties at the University of
        tan Transfer, and ACCENT.                                                        West Florida and artis-
                                             Let’s talk about burnout as a               tic director of the Cho-
                                          process, not an event. Nearly half  ral Society of Pensacola. Previous

              Show Me the Rhythm!

           Show Me the Rhythm! off ers  a
        kinesthetic system for singers to use
        when reading rhythms. Like hand
        signs, rhythm gestures allow the di-
        rector to visually assess individual
        comprehension within a group set-
        ting. Students can no longer “hide”
        by mumbling their counts or tapping
        their rhythms lightly—rhythm ges-
        tures show who is in the know. This
        system helps to build in a sense of
        rhythm and meter, strong vs. weak,
        and metric vs. syncopated rhythms
        in simple and compound meter.

                    Pamela McDermott is
                    director of choral ac-
                    tivities at Longwood
                    University in Farm-
                    ville, VA, where she
        directs auditioned and non audi-
        tioned choirs, teaches conducting,
        choral methods, and aural skills. She
        is past-president of Virginia ACDA
        and chaired the Voices United Con-

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2022                                                                           Volume 62  Number 5            81
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