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February 23-26, 2022                                                      Raleigh, North Carolina

                Voices of the Valley Children's Chorus                Western Branch Middle School

                          Sola Voce Choir                                     Concert Choir

                                                              The Western Branch Middle School Concert Choir is
                                                            the premiere choral ensemble at WBMS and comprises
                                                            7th- and 8th-grade students. In addition to their annual
                                                            performances, the Concert Choir hosts an annual ben-
                                                            efit concert for Title I schools, collaborates with various

           Founded in 2007, the Voices of the Valley Children’s  community and school arts organizations, performs
        Chorus serves over 70 children from multiple cities,  throughout the Hampton Roads community, and was
        counties, and schools in Georgia and Alabama. Our vi-  named a 2019 Virginia MEA Conference Performance
        sion is to inspire young singers to become life-long learn-  Choir. The choir has also been featured on television
        ers of music through choral experience and communi-  broadcasts and is regularly invited to perform for events
        ty engagement. Voices of the Valley has collaborated  across the region. Members regularly earn placement
        with professional, collegiate, and local ensembles and is  into local, state, and national honor choirs.
        proud to be in residence at Columbus State University’s
        Schwob School of Music. Voices of the Valley has par-          Kyle Cook is the director of the Western
        ticipated in local, national, and international tours, and     Branch Middle School Choirs and the
        performed at the 2019 Georgia MEA Conference. Sola             Outer Banks Chorus. He holds a BME
        Voce is Voices of the Valley’s advanced ensemble.              from West Liberty University (WV) and
                                                                       an MM from Ohio University (OH). Cook
                    Michelle Folta is the artistic director for  began teaching in Currituck County, NC, in 2013 be-
                    the Voices of the Valley Children’s Chorus  fore moving to Chesapeake, VA, in 2017.  He has been
                    and associate professor of choral/general  named Teacher of the Year at Currituck County Mid-
                    music education at Columbus State Uni-  dle School and Western Branch Middle School and is
                    versity. She earned her PhD and MME  a quarter-fi nalist for the 2022 Grammy Music Educa-
        at the University of North Texas, and a BM from the  tor Award. Cook has guest conducted all-city, district,
        University of Texas at Austin. Prior to graduate study,  and community choral events throughout Virginia and
        Folta taught chorus in Austin, Texas, where she was in-  North Carolina and has also presented professional de-
        strumental in transforming her campus into a Fine Arts  velopment seminars at local and state conferences.
        Academy. Under Folta’s direction, Voices of the Valley
        has been selected to collaborate with professional, col-
        legiate, and community ensembles. The choir has per-
        formed internationally and at the 2019 Georgia MEA

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2022                                                                           Volume 62  Number 5            73
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