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2022 ACDA Southern Region Conference

                                    Performing ChoirsChoirs
                                    P e r f orming

                      University of Mississippi                      University of Southern Mississippi

                          Concert Singers                                   Southern Chorale

           University of Mississippi Concert Singers is an audi-
        tioned ensemble with an established reputation for out-
        standing choral performance across the United States
        and in Europe. Under Donald Trott’s direction, the
        Singers have previously performed at the 2006, 2010,
        and 2016 Southern ACDA Region Conferences, and        The Southern Chorale has a long history of excel-
        the 2007 National Conference in Miami. The choir has  lence at Southern Miss, the most comprehensive School
        toured many countries in Europe and throughout the  of Music in Mississippi. The ensemble has appeared at
        United States, including to the White House. The Uni-  state, regional, and national conferences on fi fteen oc-
        versity of Mississippi Concert Singers will perform the  casions over the past eighteen years. In addition, the
        Raymond Brock Commission “Stopping by Woods on a  Chorale has been featured at festivals or concert series
        Snowy Evening” by Ēriks Ešenvalds.                  in South Korea, Norway, Sweden, Jamaica, Romania,
                                                            Hungary, Mexico, Austria, The Czech Republic, France,
                    Donald Trott is the DCA at the Universi-  England, and throughout the United States since 2003.
                    ty of Mississippi (Ole Miss) in Oxford. He  The Chorale will present and record a new Stabat Mater
                    coordinates the graduate conducting pro-  this spring by American composer Richard Burchard.
                    gram and conducts the Concert Singers,
                    Men’s Glee, and University Chorus. His             Gregory Fuller is professor of music and
        choirs have performed at conferences of ACDA (1998,            the director of choral activities at the Uni-
        2006, 2007, 2010, 2016), and MMEA (2005, 2008, 2010,           versity of Southern Mississippi. Previously,
        2013, 2018). Trott is a past president of the Southern         Fuller held appointments at the Universi-
        ACDA Region. He received his BME from Westminster              ty of Missouri and Briar Cliff  University.
        Choir College and both his MM and DMA in choral  Fuller remains active as a conductor in orchestral and
        conducting from the University of Oklahoma. Trott is  wind settings and has become a champion of new ora-
        the author of several articles, an ACDA monograph,  torio and extended works. He has conducted twelve U.S.
        and a new book titled Conducting Men’s Choirs (GIA).  or world premieres, including performances of Moor-
                                                            land Elegies and St. Michael Songs by Estonian compos-
                                                            er Tõnu Kõrvits. Other premieres have included works
                                                            by John Cheetham, Ed Penhorwood, James Mulholland,
                                                            Mack Wilberg, Benjamin Harlan, Arturs Maskats, and
                                                            Richard Burchard.

        72       CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2022                                                 Volume 62  Number 5
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