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February 23-26, 2022                                                      Raleigh, North Carolina

                       University of Kentucky                             University of Kentucky

                           Men’s Chorus                                      Women’s Chorus

                                                              The University of Kentucky Women’s Choir is one
                                                            of the university’s largest ensembles, composed of ap-
                                                            proximately 100 of the school’s most talented female
                                                            voices. These singers, ranging from freshman to gradu-
           The University of Kentucky Men’s Chorus, born in  ate students, represent a variety of musical backgrounds
        the fall of 2002, rehearses twice weekly and consists pri-  and academic disciplines. The choir’s challenging and
        marily of non-music majors. They were featured per-  diverse repertoire includes literature spanning from
        formers at ACDA National Conferences in 2011 and  Gregorian chant to eight-part music of the 21st century.
        2015 as well as Southern ACDA Region Conferences  With an emphasis on music by female artists, the ensem-
        in 2008, 2012, and 2018. The group performed at the  ble strives to perform works that uplift and off er a voice
        NCCO National Conventions in 2006 and 2013 and  to under-represented composers and poets.
        also appeared at the 2010 and 2016 Intercollegiate Male
        Choruses National Seminars. most recently the men’s             Lori R. Hetzel is the associate director of
        chorus was featured in an interest session at the 2020          the School of Music, associate director of
        Southern ACDA Region Conference.                                choral activities and professor of under-
                                                                        graduate choral music education at the
                    Jeff erson Johnson is director of choral ac-        University of Kentucky, where she con-
                    tivities at the University of Kentuck, where  ducts the University of Kentucky Women’s Choir and
                    he was recently named Endowed Professor  facilitates the popular a cappella group Paws and Listen.
                    of Choral Music.  Johnson conducts the  In addition to her conducting duties, Hetzel supervises
                    University Chorale and Men’s Chorus and  student teachers and teaches undergraduate methods
        directs the graduate program (MM and DMA). In 2017  and choral conducting courses. Hetzel also serves as ar-
        he was the third recipient of the Distinguished Choral  tistic director of the Lexington Singers Children’s Choir
        Alumnus Award at the University of Colorado. Johnson  (LSCC) and conducts the LSCC Chamber Choir.
        was selected to conduct the TTBB Honor Choir at the
        2019 ACDA National Conference in Kansas City, and in
        2018 he conducted the SATB Honor Choir at the joint
        conference of the Central and North Central ACDA
        Region Conference.

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2022                                                                           Volume 62  Number 5            71
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