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2022 ACDA Southern Region Conference

                                    Performing ChoirsChoirs
                     Stillwell School of the Arts                         University High School

                    Singing Brothers of Stillwell                               Cantoras

           The Singing Brothers of Stilwell is an extra-curricular
        organization at Martha Ellen Stilwell School of the Arts,
        Jonesboro, Georgia. They have consistently received su-  Cantoras of University High School is a union of
        perior ratings at the Georgia MEA Large Group Per-  three treble choirs encompassing intermediate through
        formance Evaluation; performed for the NAfME’s Na-  advanced levels. This ensemble has performed at the
        tional Conference (2018); the National School Board  FLACDA Conference and has consistently earned
        Association’s Conference (2019); the Georgia School  Superior Ratings at District and State Music Perfor-
        Board Association State Conference (2019); the Georgia  mance Assessments. Members have been selected into
        ACDA’s Conference (2019); and a collaborative perfor-  All-County, ACDA, and All-State Honor Choirs. Canto-
        mance with the Morehouse Glee Club and the Atlanta  ras represents the population at University High School,
        Symphony Orchestra (2020). The group is supported by  refl ecting diverse ethnic, cultural and socioeconomic
        Anthony Liggins, faculty advisor; Wendel Stephens, vo-  backgrounds. These musicians represent the life of the
        cal coach; and Vicorie Brown, accompanist.          school as evidenced by their involvement in various
                                                            sports, societies, and clubs.
                    Jimmy Cheek, a native of Greensboro,
                    North Carolina, earned a PhD from the              Yelitza Greene is the director of choral ac-
                    University of North Carolina at Greens-            tivities at University High School-Orlando.
                    boro (UNCG), an MME from the UNCG,                 She has conducted Cantoras at the FLAC-
                    and BM from North Carolina A&T State               DA Conference (2014) and Concert Choir
        University.  He is currently in his 28th year of teaching      at the FMEA President’s Concert (2017),
        and serves as the choral director at Martha Ellen Stilwell  Southern Region ACDA (2018), and National ACDA
        School of the Arts and the secondary lead chorus teach-  (2019), with co-conductor, Jay Dunn. The Department
        er for the Clayton County Public Schools, Jonesboro,  has consistently earned Superior Ratings at District and
        Georgia. He is a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraterni-  State MPAs. While teaching at Sias International Uni-
        ty, Inc., Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity of America,  versity in China, she conducted the Women’s Choir. She
        NAfME, Georgia MEA, and ACDA.                       has also served as a Clinical Educator  and as co-chair of
                                                            the FLACDA High School Honor Choir. She earned a
                                                            BM from Nyack College, NY, and an MME from UCF.

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