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2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference                         February 27 - March 2, 2024                                  Denver, Colorado

                      What Took Me so Long?                 free  apprenticeship program at  Interlochen, promot-
                                                            ing connections within the choral community. With a
           In over four decades of directing choirs consisting of   DMA and MM in conducting from the University of
         singers of all shapes and sizes, everything from elemen-  Michigan, Kobayashi is an active contributor to lead-
         tary  singers, middle  school singers, high school sing-  ing choral organizations and the  National  Board of
         ers, a whole lot of college singers, symphony chorus   NCCO.
         singers, and professional singers—I have figured out a
         few things. And, as it turns out, these are all supported      Cherry Creek High School
         in research. Perhaps I can save you a few decades by
         sharing what I have learned over the years. Come hear               Meistersingers
         what it took me far too long to figure out!

                    Betsy  Cook Weber  is the  Madison En-
                    dowed  Professor of Music  and Director
                    of Choral Studies at the University  of
                    Houston Moores School of Music  and
                    is also active internationally as a conduc-
         tor, clinician, adjudicator, and lecturer. Choirs under
         Weber’s direction, including the University of Houston
         Concert Chorale, have been featured at multiple state
         and national conventions including the ACDA Nation-
         al Conferences in 2007 and 2017. Weber also served
         for eight seasons as director of the Houston Symphony
         Chorus, preparing programs for some of the world’s   Meistersingers is an inclusive auditioned mixed choir
         leading orchestral conductors. In 2013, Weber became   from Cherry Creek High School dedicated to finding
         the first woman to receive the Texas Choral Directors   the fun in being serious about excellence. CCHS is a
         Association’s Texas Choirmaster Award. She serves as   rigorous public school near Denver, Colorado, recog-
         editor of the Betsy Cook Weber Choral Series with Alliance   nized as a Grammy Signature School of Excellence.
         Music Publishing.                                  The choir stresses the aesthetics of music but also an
                                                            understanding  of music literacy, theory,  and  history
                                                            through the  performance of choral  literature. Their

                     Conducting Masterclasses               legacy  includes performances  at numerous  state, re-
                                                            gional, and national conventions.  Annual performance
                                                            tours include the United States, Europe, Iceland, Aus-
                          Undergraduate                     tralia, and Asia.

                    Shohei Kobayashi is a versatile musician            Sarah Branton  is director  of choirs at
                    with a distinguished career spanning vari-          Cherry Creek High School, where choirs
                    ous musical realms. He is the director of           under her  direction have performed at
                    the choral program at Reed College and              numerous state  and regional  conven-
                    an associate conductor/co-artistic advisor          tions, and toured around the world. She
         for Resonance Ensemble. He has left a mark as a guest   is assistant director and section leader with Kantorei,
         conductor,  collaborating  with  prestigious  ensembles   an adult chorus in Denver. Additionally, she has taught
         on a global stage. Shohei’s commitment to nurturing   at the summer Sitka Fine Arts Camp in Sitka, Alaska,
         emerging conductors led to the creation of a tuition-  sings  with ad  hoc ensembles, and is a  string  bassist.

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