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2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference                                                      February 27 - March 2, 2024                                                      Denver, Colorado

                                Headliners/Special Events
                                H eadliners/S     pecial E  v en ts

                      Gospel Music Matters:                 This session will reveal the benefits of popular and con-

                A Masterclass with Trey McLaughlin          temporary music to choral singers and their communi-
                                                            ties while also addressing the most common roadblocks
           Join us for an enlightening plenary session with head-  directors face while teaching it. Participants will leave
        liner Trey McLaughlin as he shares his deep knowl-  with a better understanding of the importance of cul-
        edge  and experience  of Gospel music.  A renowned   turally native pop music in the choral program, strate-
        Gospel singer, arranger, and performer, McLaughlin   gies to successfully and authentically teach this music to
        has  gained international  recognition for his  innova-  their singers, and practical ways to incorporate it into
        tive and soulful approach to the genre. During this ses-  their programs.
        sion, attendees will  learn about the rich history and
        cultural significance of Gospel music, and explore the          Rob Dietz is a multiple CARA-winning
        performance practice  and techniques  essential for a           producer who has been arranging, per-
        compelling and authentic  performance. He will lead             forming, and teaching contemporary
        an interactive masterclass, providing practical guidance        a cappella  music  for over  twenty years.
        on singing, arranging, and directing Gospel music. At-          Based in  Los  Angeles, Dietz is  best
        tendees will discover the power and beauty of Gospel   known for his work as an arranger and group coach
        music in this unique opportunity to learn from one of   for NBC’s The Sing-Off. His arrangements have been
        the leading Gospel artists of our time.             showcased on several TV shows, including America’s Got
                                                            Talent (NBC), To All The Boys: P.S I Still Love You (Netf-
                    Trey M. McLaughlin is a 2002 graduate   lix), and Pitch Slapped (Lifetime). As a performer he is an
                    of John S. Davidson  Magnet  School in   award-winning vocal percussionist. He is the author of
                    Augusta, GA. McLaughlin earned a BM     A Cappella 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Contemporary A Cap-
                    performance degree  emphasis  in vocal   pella Singing published by Hal Leonard. Dietz serves as
                    pedagogy from Columbus State Univer-    the ACDA National R&R co-chair for contemporary/
        sity  (Columbus, Georgia).  He has  traveled  the  world   commercial.
        conducting master classes, workshops, and performing,
        including the  Aarhus  Vocal Festival in Copenhagen,            J. D. Frizzell  is  the  director  of  fine  arts
        Denmark, and the L’Opéra de Massy in Massy, France.             and director of vocal music at Briarcrest
        Currently, he serves as the director of Creative Impres-        Christian School in Memphis, Tennessee.
        sions and is also the founder and director of the gospel        His ensembles have performed at region-
        ensemble Trey McLaughlin and the Sounds of Zamar.               al,  national,  and international  conven-
        He is the director of music at The Historic Tabernacle   tions. Winner of the Integrales Composition Contest,
        Baptist Church and serves as an adjunct professor of   Frizzell has had many best-selling compositions and ar-
        choral studies at Paine College in Augusta, GA.     rangements. He also co-authored A Cappella Warm Ups
                                                            with Deke Sharon and Teaching Music Through Performance
                                                            in A Cappella with Deke Sharon and Marc Silverberg.
                         Tone and Style:                    He is the president of the A Cappella Education As-
                                                            sociation and the founder of The National A Cappella
              Using Pop Music to Build Better Singers       Convention. OneVoice, his a cappella group, is a Sony
                                                            Recording Artist with over 100 million downloads and
           Why should we  perform popular  music  with our   streams. They have performed at the Emmys and on
        choirs? How can we use contemporary music to build   America’s Got Talent.
        stronger singers and diverse programs while expanding
        traditional  technique and challenging  choral norms?

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