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2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference                         February 27 - March 2, 2024                                  Denver, Colorado

                    Franklin E. Haliburton is currently  the             Arvada West High School
                    musical director  of two of Jamaica’s                    Vocal Showcase
                    leading  musical groups, The Univer-
                    sity Singers, from The University of the
                    West  Indies, Mona Campus; and The
        Philharmonic Orchestra of Jamaica (POJ), the coun-
        try’s premier orchestra. His body of work with both
        groups has established him as one of Jamaica’s princi-
        pal choral/orchestral conductors. In his early years, he
        studied the piano and the cello with two of Jamaica’s
        most esteemed music educators. Halliburton’s maiden
        opera 1865, an opera based on the Morant Bay Rebel-
        lion, was recognized by the guild of Jamaican actors
        with nine prestigious Actor Boy Awards, including Best
        Production, Best Score and Best Original Song. Hal-
        liburton  co-founded  and  launched  the  Philharmonic   The Arvada West Choral Music program has one of
        Orchestra of Jamaica in 2013, a charitable organiza-  the premier programs in the United States, with an invi-
        tion devoted to Jamaican orchestral excellence.     tation to perform at the 2017 National ACDA Confer-
                                                            ence in Minneapolis.  Numerous choirs have also been
                                                            selected to perform at CMEA conferences in the past
                                                            several  years, including ten  appearances  since 2009.
                         Plenary Sessions                   The choirs also consistently receive straight “Superior”

                                                            ratings at festivals and competitions. AWest choirs have
                                                            performed in numerous cities and prestigious venues
                   The Choral Music of Ola Gjeilo           across the United States, and have traveled internation-

                        in His Own Words                    ally, performing High Mass at the Basilicas of St. Peter’s
                                                            Rome and St. Mark’s Venice.
           Join us for an inspiring plenary session with head-
        liner Ola Gjeilo as he takes us on a journey through           Taylor Rodgers, a native of Oklahoma, is
        his distinctive choral music. An acclaimed pianist and         in his ninth year of educating young peo-
        composer, Gjeilo is known for his stunning choral ar-          ple  through choral  music. He  currently
        rangements  that blend contemporary  and classical             serves as the director of choral activities
        styles. During  this session, attendees will have the op-      at Arvada West High School in Arvada,
        portunity to learn more about the compositional tech-  Colorado. Alongside his co-director, Jesse Vanlanding-
        niques and artistic inspirations behind his music. The   ham, he  teaches six ensemble classes and facilitates two
        session will feature a choral music reading session and   student-led, extracurricular vocal groups. Prior to his
        a Q&A, where attendees  can directly engage with the   time at Arvada West, Rodgers was the director of cho-
        composer and explore his creative process. Joining us   ral activities at Dunwoody High School in Dunwoody,
        for this demonstration will be the Arvada West High   GA. In addition to his work at the school level, he has
        School “Vocal Showcase,” under the direction of Tay-  been highly involved in the Georgia MEA, serving as
        lor Rodgers.                                        the District IV Choral Chair. He holds a BME from
                                                            the University of Central Oklahoma. He is certified by
        Ola Gjeilo will be the clinician for this session. His pho-  the AP CollegeBoard to teach AP Music Theory, and
        to and bio are on page 87.                          he regularly collaborates as a pianist.

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