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2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference                                                      February 27 - March 2, 2024                                                      Denver, Colorado

                                 H eadliners/S    pecial E  v en ts
                                 Headliners/Special Events

           The  Southwestern ACDA Conference  in Denver     ventions across the United States and the Aspen Mu-
        is right around the corner, and our team is excited to   sic Festival, toured the world, and has commissioned
        host you for a jam-packed week of choral performance,   and premiered new choral works from such renowned
        networking, and professional development. Our con-  composers  as Kim  André Arnesen, Ola  Gjeilo, Joc-
        ference theme, #Limitless, embodies the creative and   elyn Hagen, Sarah Quartel, Jake Runestad, and Eric
        boundless potential of choral music, and we aim to in-  Whitacre. In the fall of 2021, Kantorei began its three-
        spire our attendees to push the boundaries of their own   year collaboration with M. Roger Holland II as artist-
        musical limits. With a program comprising nine honor   in-residence. Kantorei has released two recordings on
        choirs, including contemporary a cappella and Gospel,   the Naxos label. Santa Barbara Music Publishing Inc.
        dozens of interest sessions, and nine separate immer-  publishes the Kantorei Choral series.
        sion days tailored to different segments of our commu-
        nity, there’s something for everyone at this conference.        Joel M. Rinsema,  managing artistic di-
        You’ll have the opportunity to engage with renowned             rector, joined Kantorei in 2014, becoming
        conductors and composers, share ideas and experienc-            the second conductor in its history. A fre-
        es with fellow musicians from across the region, and            quent collaborator and champion of new
        discover new tools and techniques that you can bring            works for chorus, Rinsema has commis-
        back to your own choir. All of this will take place in   sioned and premiered work of many of today’s leading
        the vibrant and dynamic city of Denver, which boasts a   composers, including the world premiere of the string
        thriving music scene, rich cultural heritage, and plenty   orchestra version of Eric Whitacre’s The Sacred Veil, led
        of exciting restaurants, bars, and landmarks to explore.     by the composer. He received the Louis Botto Award
                                                            for “Innovative Action and Entrepreneurial Zeal” from
                                                            Chorus America. Rinsema is music director  at  First
                                                            Plymouth Congregational Church in Cherry Hills Vil-
                            Headliners                      lage, CO, and served as the North American Choral
                                                            Promotion Manager for Oxford University Press based
                                                            in Oxford, England (2017-2020). He holds music de-
                             Kantorei                       grees from Arizona State and Whitworth Universities.

                                      Kantorei  is a  Den-
                                   ver-based  choral  en-
                                   semble  comprising vol-              Ola Gjeilo is one of the most frequently
                                   unteer  singers  under               performed composers in the choral world.
                                   the direction of artistic            An accomplished pianist, improvisations
                                   director  Joel  M. Rin-              over his own published choral pieces have
                                   sema. Formed in 1997                 become a trademark  of his collabora-
                                   under  the  leadership   tions. Although Norwegian by birth, it is perhaps his
                                   of six friends and ar-   adopted country of America that has influenced the
                                   tistic director  Richard   composer’s distinctive soundworld the most, evolving a
                                   Larson, Kantorei  has    style that is often described as cinematic and evocative,
                                   established itself as one   with a lush, harmonious  sound. Gjeilo  took classical
                                   of the nation’s premier   composition studies at The Juilliard School, the Royal
                                   choral ensembles. Kan-   College of Music in London, and is currently a New
                                   torei has  performed     York City-based freelance composer. He is composer-
                                   for  major  choral  con-  in-residence with DCINY. His music is published by

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