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2024 ACDA Southern Region Conference                               February 21-24, 2024                                       Louisville, Kentucky

                 Middle Tennessee State University                    Northwestern State University

                          SOAL Chorale                                Northwestern Chamber Choir

           The MTSU  SOAL Chorale  is an unauditioned
        ensemble open to all university students who sing so-  The  Northwestern Chamber  Choir  has recently
        prano or alto, regardless of gender identity or expres-  worked with composers Michael John Trotta, Vytautas
        sion. One-third of the group are music majors; most   Miškinis, and Richard Burchard premiering new choral
        students  represent  majors from across  the  campus,   works and producing recordings. They were featured at
        from law enforcement to horse science. The Chorale   the eighth NCCO National Conference in 2019, won
        performs at least two concerts each semester, and their   second prize in the Laurea Mundi Choral Competition
        repertoire  ranges  from Baroque  to  Broadway. The   in Budapest, Hungary, and won third prize and Best
        SOAL Chorale has performed with the Nashville Sym-  Compulsory Performance in the fourth AVE VERUM
        phony, for two governors at the state capitol, and twice   International Choral Competition in Baden, Austria.
        for TMEA.                                           Additionally,  the  Northwestern Chamber  Choir  was
                                                            invited to perform in the St. Martin’s Czech National
                    Angela Tipps conducts the MTSU SOAL     Church as a headline choir in Prague, Czechia.
                    (Soprano-Alto)  and  TEBA  (Tenor-Bass)
                    Chorales, teaches basic and choral con-             Nicholaus B. Cummins is associate pro-
                    ducting, coordinates the music apprecia-            fessor  of music  and director of choral
                    tion courses at the MTSU School of Mu-              studies at Northwestern State University
        sic, and musical directs in the Department of Theatre.          in Natchitoches, LA. He also taught pub-
        She is organist/director of music at St. Paul’s Episco-         lic school choral music in Alabama and
        pal Church in Murfreesboro and musical director of   Texas. He has served as a clinician for honor choirs
        the Middle Tennessee Choral Society. Her choirs have   and secondary and university choirs throughout  the
        sung for  ACDA and  TMEA conferences  and  at  the   United States. Cummins has also presented topics at
        Schermerhorn Symphony Center and the Ryman Au-      regional and state conferences and was an ACDA In-
        ditorium. Tipps received the BM from MTSU and the   ternational Conducting Fellow to South America. His
        master of church music degree from Scarritt Gradu-  wife, Whitney, is an elementary music educator in the
        ate School in Nashville. A past president of Tennessee   Natchitoches Parish schools, and their  daughters  are
        ACDA, she now serves as the Women’s/SSAA R&R        Emma and Addison.

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            73
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