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2024 ACDA Southern Region Conference                                                           February 21-24, 2024                                                             Louisville, Kentucky

                                P er f orming C  hoirs
                                Performing Choirs

                       Lafayette High School                       Miami Arts Studio 6-12 @Zelda Glazer

                         Madrigal Singers                                     BellArmonia

           The Madrigal Singers are recognized for outstand-  BellArmonia is the premier SSAA ensemble at Mi-
         ing choral singing in a variety of styles and genres. The   ami Arts Studio 6-12 @ Zelda Glazer, a performing
         group has performed  for  the  Kentucky MEA Con-   arts magnet  school located  in Miami,  Florida.  This
         ference (2009, 2015, 2020, 2024) and for the ACDA   ensemble  is  made up of Hispanic  students who are
         Southern Region Conference (2010, 2018, 2024) and   all first- or second-generation immigrants from Latin
         was awarded  two silver  medals at  the  World Choir   America. Each time we travel to a new place we try
         Games in Cincinnati in 2012. The choir won a gold   to bring a piece of Miami with us by preparing rep-
         diploma and the mixed youth choir category  in  the   ertoire in English, Spanish, and Haitian Creole. The
         2014 Sing ‘N’ Joy International competition in Louis-  MAS Vocal family consists of a united group of stu-
         ville. The choir appeared as a featured choir at the In-  dents, parents, alumni, teachers  and administrators
         augural Music for All-National Choir Festival in 2018,   working toward our goal of building musical skills into
         and served as a demonstration choir for the conductors'   performances that inspire our community, country and
         masterclass with the late Dr. Joseph Flummerfelt.  world.

                    Ryan Marsh holds bachelor’s and master’s            Cindy Ellis is a Cuban American music
                    degrees from the University of Louisville.          educator  and vocalist. As  a jazz vocal
                    He holds National Board Certification in            soloist and alto with the Jason Max Fer-
                    vocal  music and  has completed  course-            dinand Singers, Ellis frequently performs
                    work at the doctoral level at the Univer-           and teaches masterclasses  to  K-12 stu-
         sity of Kentucky. Marsh is in his twenty-first year as   dents  throughout  North  America.  Most recently, the
         director of choirs, also teaching AP Music Theory and   JMAX Singers collaborated  with Jacob Collier  and
         serving as the program coordinator for the School for   Coldplay for NBC’s  Saturday  Night  Live and were  the
         Creative and Performing Arts magnet program at La-  headlining ensemble at the 2023 ACDA National Con-
         fayette. His choirs have appeared at KMEA and ACDA   ference. A native of Holguín, Cuba, Ellis immigrated
         conferences and consistently receive distinguished rat-  to  the  United  States in 2005. She  earned her  BME
         ings at assessment events. He is also a contributing au-  from Florida International University and her MME
         thor to the Teaching With Heart compendium series by   from the University of Missouri. Ellis is one of two full-
         Jason Max Ferdinand.                               time choral directors at Miami Arts Studio.

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