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2024 ACDA Southern Region Conference                               February 21-24, 2024                                       Louisville, Kentucky

                         Iron City Singers                              Charles F. Henry is  the founder  and ar-
                                                                        tistic director of Iron City Singers. He is
                                                                        serving his fifteenth year of public educa-
                                                                        tion in Alabama, currently at Thompson
                                                                        High School in Alabaster. Henry earned
                                                            his bachelor’s degree from the University of Alabama at
                                                            Birmingham. He has since led his choirs to earn supe-
                                                            rior ratings at state and regional performances and has
                                                            thrice been invited to perform for the Alabama MEA
                                                            Conference. He also holds an MM from the University
                                                            of Georgia.
           Iron  City  Singers  is  a  volunteer  ensemble  based  in
        Birmingham, Alabama. Every ICS rehearsal and perfor-            Taylor Stricklin is  the choral director  at
        mance is paired with a scheduled social event, a chance         Vestavia  Hills  High  School. He earned
        for members to engage with each other away from re-             his  BME from Samford University  and
        hearsal and to learn about each other as individuals. Old       an MM from Louisiana State University.
        friendships are  strengthened and  new  friendships are         Prior  to  graduate  study,  Stricklin taught
        forged through a mutual passion for choral singing. Too  choral music at Dauphin Junior High School and Enter-
        often, ensemble singing is exclusive to schools or places  prise High School in Enterprise, AL. He currently sings
        of worship, but ICS offers the opportunity to sing with  in several  professional ensembles:  Red  Shift,  based  in
        like-minded people simply as a member of the commu-  Baton Rouge, LA; and the Cahaba Chamber Chorale,
        nity.                                               based in Birmingham.

                                     Southern Region Registration Information

                                          Register at

                                         Attendee $295   Retired $195  Student $100

                                      Registration after 11:59 PM CST January 31, 2024

                                         Attendee $315   Retired $235  Student $135

                                                   On-site registration
                                         Attendee $350   Retired $250  Student $150

                                      One-Day Registration $175 (only available on-site)

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            71
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