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2024 ACDA Midwestern Region Conference

                                   Interest Sessions
                                   In t er est S essions

                       Voices in Transition:                mittees. Under her direction, Bexley  H.S. Vocal En-
                 Gender Inclusive Choral Voicings           semble has performed at NAfME and ACDA state con-
                                                            ferences, including  Central  Region performances  in
                                                            2012, 2016, and 2020. Blosser is the associate director
           The session  will  provide choral  voicing options to   of music at First Community Church and the artistic
        meet the needs of both the changing transgender voice   director of the Bexley Choral Society. She was selected
        and those of cis-gender singers. As choir directors are   to serve as one of fourteen conducting fellows for the
        faced with more students who identify as transgender,   2015 ACDA International Conductors Exchange Pro-
        the need to be able to chose literature that meets those   gram to Sweden.
        needs is imperative. In addition to existing voicings, op-
        tions for adapting scores with a new “flex” part using          C. Andrew Blosser serves on the  voice
        guidelines created by Stevie J. Hirner will be included.        faculty at The Ohio State University, and
                                                                        is  the director  of music  at First Com-
        Roger Emerson will be the clinician for this session. His       munity Church in Columbus, Ohio. He
        photo and bio are on page 27.                                   has presented master classes, performed
                                                            roles, and given recitals throughout the United States
                                                            and Europe. Blosser has been a featured soloist with
                                                            orchestras and ensembles throughout the Midwest. He
                    You Are the Voice Teacher:              served as cantor for services at the Berlin Cathedral, as
               Teaching Technique and Authenticity          well as soloist for Mozart’s Missa Longa at the Salzburg

               of Vocal Production in Choral Singing        Cathedral. A recent project includes a performance on
                                                            the recital Singing Our History, the American story told
                                                            through the works of American composers, at NATS.
           “Blend. Drop your jaw. Straight tone. Darker.” Most   Blosser holds degrees from The Ohio State University
        people have likely heard one of these phrases before   (DMA & MM) and Capital University (BM).
        in a choir, but do these ideas really help inexperienced
        singers? What terminology can we use to give clarity
        to singers that connects them in a relatable way and
        takes away some of the mystery? By bringing concepts
        and skills from voice pedagogy into the choral rehears-  Midwestern Region Registration Information
        al, conductors can better support their singers in their
        vocal development. This session will provide practical
        applications of how to teach singers to find and use       Register at
        their authentic voices by sharing suggestions from vari-
        ous vocal pedagogy approaches, including Estill Voice.    Attendee $290   Retired $215  Student $100
        It is applicable to directors working with high school,
        college and older community singers.                    Registration after 11:59 PM CST January 17, 2024

                    Amy Johnston Blosser was the  audi-           Attendee $340   Retired $240  Student $120
                    tioned choirs chair for the 2023 ACDA
                    National Conference and for nine years     One-Day Registration $190 (only available on-site)
                    was on the national board as the R&R
                    committee  chairperson. Since  2013 she
        has served on the national conference planning com-

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