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2024 ACDA Midwestern Region Conference                                                     February 7-10, 2024                                                                  Omaha, Nebraska

                                    H onor C  hoir C onduc    t ors
                                    Honor Choir Conductors

                           Elementary                                        High School TB

                    Melissa Trevino Keylock serves as artistic          Giselle Wyers is the Donald E. Petersen
                    director and executive director of the San          Endowed Professor of Choral Music at
                    Diego North Coast Singers. She taught               the University of Washington, as well as
                    eleven years at  the  Princeton Girlchoir,          conducting the fifty-voice Concord with-
                    and previously worked at American Boy-              in the Columbia Choirs consortium. As
        choir School, Rider  University, and the Indianapolis   a guest conductor, Wyers has led honor choirs and all-
        Children’s  Choir. She founded the annual Princeton   state choirs in fourteen states and in Canada, as well
        Girlchoir Children Making a Difference benefit con-  as working with semi-professional ensembles  across
        cert,  raising  over  $30,000  for  non-profits.  She  has   Europe. She serves as an editorial board member for
        taught public and private school, including K-12 vocal   Choral Journal as well as a member of ACDA’s Stand-
        music and AP Music Theory. Throughout her career,   ing Committee  on International  Activities. She  has
        Trevino Keylock has served in state and regional lead-  composed thirty choral works, often on texts situated
        ership positions with ACDA. She holds an undergradu-  around her ardent love and pervasive concern for pro-
        ate degree from Wheaton College and an MM from      tecting nature.
        Butler  University,  and directed  the  Butler  University
        Women’s Glee Club. She completed her Kodály stud-
        ies at Capital University.
                                                                          Middle School Mixed

                                                                        Brandon A. Boyd is the director of choral
                         High School SA                                 activities  and the  graduate  choral  con-
                                                                        ducting program and associate professor
                    David Rayl recently  retired  as director           of choral music education at the Univer-
                    of choral programs and senior associate             sity of Missouri-Columbia. As an active
                    dean for graduate  studies and research   composer and arranger, his music is sung regularly by
                    and creative  endeavors at  the  Michigan   ensembles throughout the United States and abroad.
                    State University College of Music. In his   He is the curator and editor of the Brandon A. Boyd
        twenty-one years at MSU, he mentored over 130 grad-  Choral  Series, a choral series with Hinshaw Music
        uate students in choral conducting. Under his baton,   Publications. His music also appears in the catalogs of
        MSU’s University Chorale appeared at the 2007 ACDA   Gentry Publications, Hinshaw Music Company, Morn-
        National Conference. He also prepared the Chorale for   ingStar, GIA, and Kjos Music Press. In addition, he is
        eight sets of performances with the Detroit Symphony   the executive choral editor of Gentry Publications. He
        Orchestra and regularly served as guest conductor with   holds two degrees from Florida State University (PhD
        the Lansing Symphony Orchestra, leading large-scale   and MM) and earned a BME (emphasis in piano) from
        choral-orchestral  works. Rayl received  MSU’s Uni-  Tennessee State University. Boyd also serves as a mem-
        versity Distinguished Faculty Award (2013)  and the   ber  of  the  National  ACDA  Composition Initiatives
        Simmons-Chivukula Award for Academic Leadership     Committee.
        (2019), and the College of Music’s Withrow Award for
        Excellence in Teaching (2009).

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            59
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