Page 183 - CJJan24
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2024 ACDA Western Region Conference                   March 6-9, 2024                                           Pasadena, California

                    Jennifer Hansen Heder, DMA, is the di-  perience in singing representative selections, as well as
                    rector of choral activities at Fresno City   hearing selected pieces performed by VOX Femina Los
                    College. She received her DMA in choral   Angeles.
                    conducting from Michigan State Univer-
                    sity. Her doctoral research highlights the   Iris S. Levine will be a clinician for this session. Her
        ways in which choral educators can decenter Eurocen-  photo and bio are on page 170.
        tric  music  in their  classrooms. She  co-presented  the
        session,  “Empowered  Leaders Empower  Others,” at              Cari Earnhart serves as the director  of
        the 2022 Western Region ACDA Conference. Hansen                 choral activities at California State Uni-
        Heder was previously the director of choirs at Span-            versity, Fresno, where  she conducts the
        ish Fork High School in Utah. Her choirs at Spanish             top  choral  ensembles and teaches un-
        Fork were invited to perform at the 2018 ACDA Salt              dergraduate  and graduate  conducting.
        Lake City Conference and the 2019 Utah MEA State    In demand as a conductor, clinician, and adjudicator,
        Conference. She also holds MM and BM degrees from   Earnhart has worked with choirs throughout the US
        Brigham Young University in Utah.                   and abroad. She served as DCA at the American Uni-
                                                            versity of Sharjah in the UAE and as artistic director of
                                                            Nassim al Saba, an Arabic choral music ensemble. She
                                                            has been a guest conductor with the Budapesti Vándor
                  Middle School Choral Students:            Kórus and the Istanbul International Chamber Choir.
                   How Do You Motivate Them?                She  served as Maestro of Ensemble  Vocale  Tempus
                                                            Floridum and as Maestro Collaboratore of Coro dell’
           When middle  school students are motivated,  they   Accademia del Diletto and Coro Polofonico del Cari-
        are unstoppable. How do you channel their energy so   centro in Florence.
        that you can guide them on a musical journey? Explore
        tips and ideas of various master choral music educa-
        tors who teach young adolescents. Be ready to sing and             Practice Your Pitch:
                                                                     Advocacy is Everybody’s Business

        Lynn Brinckmeyer will be the clinician for this session.
        Her photo and bio are on page 122.                    The culture that music creates is magnetic, but how
                                                            is it perceived outside the rehearsal space? How can
                                                            we build bridges between our ensembles and the di-
                                                            verse values and expertise found in the larger commu-
                   Mosaics from the Middle East             nity? While it’s easy to talk about the importance of
                                                            music among colleagues, translating that conversation
            There is a wealth of beautiful and significant choral   to those outside our sphere can be challenging. This
        music from the Middle East in both the Arabic and   session will help you step confidently into public spaces
        Jewish traditions, yet many choral directors find it in-  equipped with a new vocabulary to communicate your
        timidating to approach this music. This interactive ses-  program’s value to attract new supporters. By refram-
        sion will present treble music from both traditions, pro-  ing your “elevator pitch,” you’ll be able to build a net-
        viding helpful guides in how to successfully approach   work that empowers you to thrive.
        this music, pronunciation, and stylistic considerations.
        We  will present  contemporary settings  of tradition-  Alex Gartner will be the clinician for this session. His
        al musical material, appropriate for various levels of   photo and bio are on page 74.
        treble ensembles. We will provide opportunities for ex-

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