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2024 ACDA Western Region Conference                                               March 6-9, 2024                                                             Pasadena, California

                                         Performing Choirs
                                         P er f orming C   hoirs

                     San Juan Hills High School                            Saugus High School
                         Chamber Singers                                       Blue Notes

           The San Juan Hills High School Chamber Singers      Blue Notes is Saugus High School’s top vocal jazz
         is the  most advanced  audition-only  choral  ensemble   choir. Under the direction of Kaitlin Holt for the past
         in the choral/vocal arts  department  at  SJHHS. The   five  years,  this  award-winning  ensemble  has  sung  in
         Chamber  Singers have  built a  reputation  of singing   various jazz festivals and competitions throughout
         challenging works from a variety of historical periods   Southern California,  including  the  Fullerton  College
         of music and cultures from around the world. In Febru-  Jazz Festival (First Place in HS Vocal Jazz/Intermedi-
         ary 2023, the Chamber Singers performed at the Cali-  ate, 2022; Third Place  in  HS Vocal Jazz/Advanced,
         fornia All-State Music Educators Conference in Fresno,   2023). Blue  Notes  singers consistently place  in both
         California. The choir has performed many functions   regional and all-state Vocal Jazz High School Honor
         around the Capistrano Unified School District and is   Choirs. Saugus High School Blue Notes comprises in-
         proud to be a part of the SJHHS Stallion Family.   spiringly resilient students who are honored to be per-
                                                            forming at their first ACDA conference.
                    Michael Ushino serves as the director of
                    the choral/vocal arts department and the            Kaitlin Holt is head of the choral program
                    Vocal  Music Conservatory at  San  Juan             at Saugus High School in Saugus, Califor-
                    Hills High School. He received his MM               nia, where she directs five award-winning
                    from the Bob Cole Conservatory at Cali-             vocal ensembles and teaches the  Music
         fornia State University, Long Beach, and also studied          Industry Career  Technology Pathway
         at University of California, Irvine. He currently serves   courses. She actively performs with various groups in
         as the president-elect of the Southern California Vocal   the Los Angeles area, including her all-female acapella
         Association and previously served as the High School   quartet “Angeles.” Holt holds a BME in choral studies
         Honor Choir Vice President. Ushino also serves as the   from CSU Long Beach, an associate’s degree in jazz
         co-artistic director of the Men in Blaque, based in Ir-  studies from Cuesta College, and recently completed
         vine, California.                                  the coursework for her master’s from CSU Los Ange-
                                                            les. She currently serves as the Southern California Vo-
                                                            cal Association Vocal Jazz Festival chair.

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