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2024 ACDA Western Region Conference                                               March 6-9, 2024                                                             Pasadena, California

                                          Interest Sessions
                            Real Talk:                                    Show Me the Rhythm!
           Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable
                                                               This  interactive  session  offers  a  kinesthetic  system
                    about Race in Choral Music              for  building  and assessing  rhythmic literacy  for  all
                                                            ages. Like hand signs, rhythm gestures are a physical
           Considering the current socio-political climate, the   manifestation of pulse, pulse division, and meter. The
        rise in violence against AAPI communities, and a re-  instructor  can visually assess  individual comprehen-
        ignited  Black Lives Matter  movement,  we as  choral   sion within a group setting. Students are able to self-
        conductor-teachers are  faced  with some uncomfort-  correct within the context of group practice. Rhythm
        able  truths about  choral  music. We  as artist-citizens   gestures reinforce  precision and make music literacy
        can, and must, leverage coalitions to dismantle systems   accessible to all. They work with any counting system,
        of oppression.  Utilizing  Intercultural  Dialogue  and   combined with solfege, or in multi-part score reading.
        Whiteness  as Property  as frameworks,  the  presenters   Rhythm gestures offer an alternative (kinesthetic) mode
        will equip attendees with tools and language needed to   of learning while calling upon and strengthening our
        become comfortable engaging in uncomfortable con-   sense of underlying pulse and rhythmic flow.
        versations surrounding race and contemporary choral
        culture. This uncomfortability may be seen as growing           Pamela McDermott is  director  of cho-
        pains for a choral community grappling with difficult           ral  activities  at  Longwood  University in
        and long-overdue  conversations about  equity, “inclu-          Farmville, Virginia, where she directs en-
        sion,” and access.                                              sembles and teaches conducting, choral
                                                                        methods, show choir techniques, and au-
        Arreon A. Harley-Emerson will be a clinician for this   ral skills. She is also a founding member and associate
        session. His photo and bio are on page 152.         artistic director of The Piedmont Singers of Central
                                                            Virginia, a professional vocal octet. McDermott earned
                    Joshua Palkki (he/him) is assistant pro-  her DMA in choral conducting at UNC-Greensboro.
                    fessor of  music learning and  teaching/  Her  dissertation  offers  an  analysis  of  Brahms’s  Ein
                    choral conducting and associate director   deutsches  Requiem through the  lens of semiotics  in an
                    of choral activities at Arizona State Uni-  examination of the work’s relationship to the requiem
                    versity and co-author  of  Honoring  Trans   genre. She earned a master’s in theory/composition at
        and Gender-Expansive Students in Music Education (Oxford   James Madison University and a BME at East Carolina
        University Press, 2021). He holds degrees from Michi-  University. She is past president of Virginia ACDA.
        gan State University (PhD), Northern Arizona Univer-
        sity (MM), and Ball State University (BS). Palkki has
        presented at national and international events includ-
        ing the National ACDA Conference, NAfME National               (she/her/ella) Unlocking the
        Conference, and the Society for Music Teacher Educa-         Music of Latina Choral Composers
        tion Symposium and is a sought-after guest conductor
        and scholar on equity and justice topics. His writing
        appears in several scholarly choral and music educa-   Dive into the music and backgrounds of female-iden-
        tion publications.                                  tified  composers  from  across  Latin  America  through
                                                            singing, moving, and unlocking the rhythms of works
                                                            that rarely, if ever, have been performed in the States.
                                                            Composers such as Modesta Bor of Venezuela, Eliza

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