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2024 ACDA Western Region Conference                   March 6-9, 2024                                           Pasadena, California

        Schmelkes of Mexico, Diana Sáez of Puerto Rico, and      Understanding and Engaging with “Toxic”
        María Olga Piñeros of Colombia are composers whose      Masculinity and Male-Presenting Expression
        works our singers need to sing. Conductors will leave      in the Post COVID-19 Choral Classroom
        with deeper appreciation for and confidence to teach
        this important repertoire from an informed and joy-
        ful place. Resources and scores are appropriate for all   From the fallout of COVID-19, a key  behavior
        levels/voicings.                                    that  school counselors have  reported  on as a result
                                                            of the  temporary elimination  of in-person activities
                    Corie Brown (she/her) serves as assistant   amongst adolescent cis-men is toxic masculinity. De-
                    professor of choral  music education  at   fined  as,“‘manliness’  [that]  perpetuates  domination
                    San José State University. She leads two   and aggression,” toxic masculinity has been reported
                    choirs, teaches music education courses,   as an invasive  phenomena  within the  choral  craft’s
                    and is fueled by the integration of justice   communal ecosystem. In this session, we address what
        and music  education. Prior to studies in choral con-  toxic masculinity looks like in our craft and how we can
        ducting at  the University of Colorado  Boulder  and   be  change  agents in facilitating culturally  responsive
        University of Oregon, Brown taught in Colombia with   models for cis-men, built on the embodiment of social
        the Fundación Nacional Batuta and in  the  midwest   consciousness, empathy, and community-oriented ide-
        United States. She was a guest conductor at the 2023   als. We offer strategies relating to repertoire, rehearsals,
        Festival Coral de Santander in Colombia. She also ar-  and performance.
        ranges and serves as  artistic director  of the Mission
        Peak Chamber Singers, a joyful community chorus in              Corbin  Cowan is a student  at  Arizona
        Fremont, California.                                            State University completing a bachelor’s
                                                                        of music in music learning and teaching
                    Juan Manuel Hernández-Morales (he/                  with a minor in music  theatre  perfor-
                    him) is the director of the Youth Choir             mance. He is also a part of ASU’s Barrett,
                    of  La  Cuerda  Foundation,  the  Univer-  the Honors College. Originally from Colorado, he has
                    sidad Industrial de Santander University   been singing his whole life and has a strong background
                    Choir, and teaches choral and instrumen-  in musical theatre and choral ensemble.
        tal studies at the Universidad Industrial de Santander
        of Colombia. His  works  for children’s  choirs, youth   Joshua Palkki will be a clinician for this session. His
        choirs, and mixed choirs have been performed inter-  photo and bio are on the previous page.
        nationally. He is an active clinician and has held work-
        shops throughout Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina, and   Jace Kaholokula Saplan will be a clinician for this ses-
        the United States. Since 2007, Hernández-Morales has   sion. Their photo and bio are on page 32.
        been the coordinator and organizer of the Santand-
        er Choral Festival and the Santander Children’s and
        Youth Choir Encounter.
                                                                      Understanding the Unique Voice
                                                                          of the Gospel Musician:
                                                                       Sound, Harmony, and Culture

                                                               It can be quite a challenge understanding the per-
                                                            spective of a student who walks into your choral class-
                                                            room armed with only experience in contemporary gos-

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