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2024 ACDA Western Region Conference                   March 6-9, 2024                                           Pasadena, California

                 The Sterling Ensemble Los Angeles                      The Sunday Night Singers

                                                              The Sunday Night  Singers (SNS),  founded by
           Sterling  Ensemble  Los Angeles  is a  semi-profes-  Palmdale High alumni and artistic director Mike Mc-
         sional choir founded in 2018 by Artistic Director Mi-  Cullough  in  2005, is  a thirty-two-voice community
         chelle Jensen. This community of singers specializes in   ensemble in the Antelope Valley, CA. From inception,
         performing historic literature from diverse voices and   SNS celebrates and uplifts diverse communities, mir-
         workshopping new music with local artists. Collabora-  roring an authentic and organic representation of the
         tions include Grammy-winning artists Hila Plitmann,   diversity found in LA County. SNS has won the Mixed
         Sangeeta Kaur, Danaë Vlasse, and Ben Bram. While   Chamber Choir category at World Choir Games and
         most members studied music in college, teachers, mili-  has made appearances at WACDA, CCDA, Llangollen
         tary members, business  leaders, and entrepreneurs   International Musical Eisteddfod, and Montana Inter-
         join with professional musicians two hours a week to   national Choral Festival. Collaborations with compos-
         make excellent choral music. The ensemble performed   ers nationwide have  yielded  three  albums, including
         at the 2023 ACDA National Conference. Sterling En-  Didn’t It Rain by Stacey V. Gibbs.
         semble is currently in residence at St. Andrew Catholic
         Church in Pasadena.                                            Michael McCullough assumed  the  role
                                                                        of director of choral music at Palmdale
                    Michelle Jensen is a Los Angeles-based              High School in 1995. He holds a BM in
                    choral conductor, clinician, and teacher.           voice and an MM in choral conducting
                    In addition to directing Sterling Ensem-            from California State University, North-
                    ble, she serves as the director of choral ac-  ridge.  He  continued  his  professional  certification  at
                    tivities at Azusa Pacific University, where   Chapman University. With a rich thirty-two-year his-
         she is also the director of graduate choral studies and   tory as part of the Antelope Valley College faculty, Mc-
         the  conductor  of  the  university’s Chamber  Singers.   Cullough has conducted the AV Master Chorale and
         Jensen has led choirs to place first in such prestigious   College Singers. He has also taught individual voice,
         international  music  competitions as Chorwettbewerb   music history, and music theory. McCullough is the ar-
         Spittal an der Drau and the Llangollen International   tistic director of The Sunday Night Singers, which was
         Musical Eisteddfod. In 2019 she was invited to conduct   founded to allow former students to continue their pur-
         the Connecticut All-State Mixed Choir.             suit of choral excellence. Notable recordings encom-
                                                            pass works by Joshua Shank and Stacey V. Gibbs.

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