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2024 ACDA Western Region Conference

                                            onor C
                                          Honor Choir Conductors
                                                    hoir C
                           Children's                                       High School SSAA

                    Judy Bowers was named professor emer-               Julie Yu (she/her)  is professor of mu-
                    ita in the College of Music at the Florida          sic and director of choral studies at the
                    State  University upon retirement  after            Wanda L. Bass School of Music at Okla-
                    more  than  fifty  years  of  teaching,  and        homa City University and the artistic di-
                    subsequently completed  four  years as              rector of Canterbury Voices, Oklahoma’s
        Biedenharn Endowed Chair in Music at the Univer-    premier symphony chorus. She holds a BME from the
        sity of Louisiana Monroe. Throughout a career dedi-  University of Central Oklahoma, MM from Oklaho-
        cated to preparing music teachers, Bowers has taught   ma State University, and a DMA from the University
        undergraduate and graduate music education  classes   of North Texas. She taught at Norman North High
        and choirs, and has provided honor choirs in Cana-  School in Oklahoma, San  José State  University, and
        da, Africa, and numerous US all-state/honor choirs,   Kansas State University. She has given presentations,
        regional ACDA honor choirs, and a National ACDA     conducted, and/or her choirs have performed for state
        Middle School Honor Choir in 2009. In 2014, Bowers   and regional conferences of ACDA, NAfME, and the
        was named a Lowell Mason National Music Education   European MEA. She is the past president of the South-
        Fellow by NAfME, and in 2023, the Florida MEA in-   western ACDA Region and served as an International
        ducted her into the Florida Music Hall of Fame.     Conducting Exchange Fellow to Kenya in 2019.

                             Gospel                                            Youth SATB

                    Rollo Dilworth is vice dean and professor           Emily Ellsworth has conducted all-state
                    of choral music education in the depart-            choirs  and prestigious festivals across
                    ment of music education and therapy at              thirty US states, as well as honor choirs
                    Temple University’s Center for the Per-             for  ACDA regions.  Her  global  appear-
                    forming and Cinematic Arts in Philadel-             ances include directing festival choirs in
        phia, PA. Prior to his position with Boyer College, he   various countries and presenting for national choral
        taught music education and was the director of choral   directors in Brazil.  In academia,  Ellsworth  contrib-
        activities for thirteen years at North Park University in   uted to Luther College’s choral faculty, conducted the
        Chicago. Dilworth’s contributions extend to conduct-  Elmhurst University  Concert Choir, and lectured at
        ing the Temple  University Singing  Owls Campus/    Northwestern University. Notably, she served as artis-
        Community Chorus, leading the Singing City Choir,   tic director  of Anima-Glen Ellyn Children’s  Chorus
        and conducting the  School District of Philadelphia   for over two decades. Her choral work garnered nu-
        High School All-City Chorus. He is a prolific composer   merous accolades, including the 2014 Tribute Award
        and arranger, with over 200 published choral works.   from Chicago A Cappella and 2013 ASCAP award for
        Much of Dilworth’s creative output as a composer and   Adventurous Programming from Chorus America. She
        arranger focuses on themes of social justice. He serves   holds vocal performance degrees from Macalester Col-
        on the  national  boards of Chorus America and the   lege and the University of Southern California.

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