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2024 ACDA Western Region Conference                                                March 6-9, 2024                                                            Pasadena, California

                                           Interest Sessions
         to create bridges of understanding and positive change.             Flexible Fach:
         In this session Elizabeth Schauer will discuss creative,   Gender-Affirming Vocal Pedagogy
         moving and impactful programming approaches that
         can increase awareness, engagement, and even philan-      through Science-Informed Practices
         thropy in choirs and their audiences. Recent effective
         concert programs related to homelessness, Syrian and   In this interactive session, attendees will be invited
         Afghani war refugees, and domestic violence will serve   to sing and discuss vocal exercises from a new proto-
         as models for consideration and discussion.        col developed by the presenter that focuses on help-
                                                            ing transgender and gender-expansive (TGE) singers
         Elizabeth Schauer will be the clinician for this session.   produce an aural aesthetic that better aligns with their
         Her photo and bio are on page 23.                  gender identity. Created through an understanding of
                                                            the gendered associations and vocal characteristics of
                                                            common fach categories and voice classifications, this
                                                            protocol  synthesizes  practices  from  gender-affirming
                Creating an Adaptive Choir Program          speech-language  pathology  (SLP)  with  source-filter
                                                            theory and science-informed vocal pedagogy to pres-
           This session  will  describe  the  administrative  and   ent  a  healthy,  gender-affirming  practice  routine  for
         pedagogical tools required to start and run an adaptive   TGE singers who are seeking to masculinize or femi-
         needs choir at your school or in your community. Par-  nize their voices.
         ticipants will learn the profound benefits of universally
         designed rehearsals for all students, and the particular   Stevie J. Hirner will be the clinician for this session.
         importance of providing meaningful artistic experienc-  Her photo and bio are on page 23.
         es for students with disabilities. Participants will leave
         this session equipped with concrete rehearsal strategies
         and activities to support an adaptive needs program.
                                                                       Many Voices, Many Centers:
                    Brandi Dignum is the director of educa-
                    tion for the Tucson Girls Chorus, where    6 Steps for Multicentric Choral Programming
                    she conducts the  Ladybugs and Hum-
                    mingbirds choirs, along with TGC early    When  we  label  our  concert  programs as “multi-
                    childhood and adaptive music classes. She   cultural,”  we begin with good intentions; however,
         is the artistic director for the TGC Shine Camp and   celebrating diversity sometimes tokenizes the histori-
         serves on the Teacher Advisory Board for Tucson Girls   cally excluded cultures we are attempting to recognize
         Chorus. Dignum holds a BME from the University of   and honor. Using multicentrism, which argues for “the
         Arizona and is certified in Orff-Schulwerk levels I-III.   marginalized moving from the margins to the center,
         She believes that all students deserve an inclusive mu-  and not simply being grafted into the existing order,”
         sic experience. She has over twenty-five years of ex-  this session will outline a culturally conscious six-step
         perience teaching preschool music, elementary general   process for choral programming: acknowledge privi-
         music, middle  school  choir and musical theater,  and   lege, decide what you value, choosing repertoire, do
         high school choir. Dignum was recognized as “Teacher   your due diligence, identify who holds the power, and
         of the Year” for the Flowing Wells School District.  contextualize. Attendees will receive multicentric pro-
                                                            gramming suggestions and ways to respectfully study
                                                            less-familiar repertoire with your ensembles.

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