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2024 ACDA Western Region Conference                   March 6-9, 2024                                           Pasadena, California

                       University of Arizona                  Symphonic  Choir  is the  premier  choral  ensemble
                        Symphonic Choir                     at the  University  of Arizona, carrying  on a seventy-
                                                            two-year tradition of joyful excellence. Members hail
                                                            from throughout the world and represent a variety of
                                                            majors.  The  choir  regularly engages  in musical col-
                                                            laborations in Southern Arizona, including with Tuc-
                                                            son Symphony Orchestra, Mariachi Arizona, Reveille
                                                            Men’s Chorus (a GALA chorus), Tucson Girls Chorus,
                                                            and Tucson Arizona Boys Chorus. The ensemble also
                                                            partners with service organizations in the Greater Tuc-
                                                            son area to bring awareness and support to vulnerable
                                                            populations including refugees, asylum seekers, and
                                                            unhoused people.

                                                            Elizabeth Schauer is the conductor of this choir. Her
                                                            photo and bio are on page 23.

                                          2024 ACDA Western Region Conference                                                March 6-9, 2024                                                            Pasadena, California

                                           In t er est  S essions
                                           Interest Sessions

                 Building a Repertoire of Gestures:         summer program, Chanticleer in Sonoma. Bent earned
               Laban Movement for Choral Conductors         degrees from  Boston University  (BM and MM  Voice
                                                            Performance, MM Choral Conducting) and University
                                                            of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (DMA Choral Con-
           Receive a crash course in the fundamentals of La-  ducting and Choral Literature). Recipient of the 2023
         ban Movement Theory, a holistic and efficient gestur-  CMEA Pearson/Scott Foresman/Silver Burdett Choral
         al approach to choral conducting. Learn a variety of   Educator Award and the 2019 CMEA Bay Section Out-
         gestures, movements, and rehearsal strategies that are   standing Choral Educator Award, Bent serves as trea-
         sure to enhance your ensemble’s engagement, improve   surer for the California Choral Directors Association.
         memory retention, develop a stronger conductor/en-
         semble connection,  and provide musicians  a deeper
         understanding of the music that will lead to a more                Choirs for Change:
         impactful and inclusive performance experience.
                                                                        Programming with Purpose
                    Jenny Bent is professor of music, direc-
                    tor  of choral activities, and associate   Choirs can be connectional and welcoming spaces for
                    dean of the school of arts & humanities   diverse groups  of people  who come together  through
                    at Sonoma State  University  in Rohnert   their love of singing. The same sense of belonging and
                    Park, CA. She is also choral director of   compassion that often exists in choral groups can be ex-
         the Santa Rosa Symphony and manages Chanticleer’s   tended outward into both local and global communities

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            179
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