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2024 ACDA Western Region Conference                                                March 6-9, 2024                                                             Pasadena, California

                                          Interest Sessions
                                          In t er est  S essions

         pel and little-to-no music reading exposure. Through    Unlocking the Power of the Vagus Nerve:
         recorded examples, demonstrations, and the experi-             The Key to Vocal Freedom
         ences of the clinicians, we will explore the unique voice
         of the Black gospel musician by seeking to understand
         the  core  of the  gospel  vocal sound,  common  gospel   The presentation will explore the mind, body, and
         harmonic devices, and the cultural heartbeat that seeps   voice through neuroscience and pedagogical applica-
         through this special musical art. Participants will learn   tion. There will be discussion on the function of the va-
         about how to better connect with, honor, and educate   gus nerve, our body’s neurological response to fight or
         these students.                                    flight, and how to recognize students triggered by vari-
                                                            ous neurological reactions. Participants will learn how
                    Matt Falker is a jazz and gospel pianist,   to align the four systems of the voice using Vocal Ton-
                    vocalist, arranger, and clinician. Falker   ing, a method used to release trauma in the mind, body,
                    distributes his  vocal jazz arrangements   and voice. The presentation will take a collaborative
                    through his publishing company, Anchor   approach, including participation from the audience to
                    Music Publications (formerly Sound Mu-  explore vagal toning exercises that can be used in the
         sic Publications founded by Frank DeMiero in 1988), as   classroom to create the optimal learning experience.
         well as the music of dozens of other vocal jazz arrang-
         ers and composers. He is also the executive director of        Natasha Valdes  is  a  certified  trauma-
         the Vocal Jazz Academy: a nonprofit organization ded-          informed voice professional through the
         icated to training and supporting vocal jazz educators         Voice Study Center in England with an
         through a series of one-day jazz workshops for teachers        MM from the Boston Conservatory and
         and students. As a full-time piano and vocal jazz pro-  a BM from California State University, Long Beach.
         fessor at MiraCosta College, he directs the Downbeat   Valdes  became a  trauma  voice  specialist  after  strug-
         Award-winning Frequency vocal jazz program, and    gling to find healing solutions for her own issues with
         hosts the Oceanside Jazz Festival. Falker directed the   psychogenic dysphonia. Valdes is the founder and CEO
         Jazz Immersion Choir at the  2023 ACDA National    of Complete Vocal Wellness, a neuro-centric coaching
         Conference.                                        program for voice users to learn functional-based voice
                                                            training, increase optimal performance, and heal core
                    Jamond McCoy is an improvisational jazz   trauma wounds. Valdes is known for sharing her re-
                    and  gospel  influenced  vocalist,  pianist,   search on “Rewiring trauma, anxiety, and depression in
                    composer, arranger, session  singer, and   the Voice” at conferences like CCDA, ACDA, NATS,
                    accompanist, creating  music for various   CASMEC, and BOCO Vocal Symposium.
                    venues and other fellow musicians. He is
         the baritone for the famous a cappella group m-pact
         and is also a  passionate  educator, teaching privately
         and at various institutions, including California Bap-
         tist University, Cerritos College, and Orange County   Yes, You Can Compose and Arrange for Your Own
         High School of the Arts. He has worked as the assistant   Choir: Why and How Every Educator Should
         director at the Monterey Jazz Summer Camp, the fa-         Try Writing for Their Own Ensemble
         mous A Cappella Academy (Ben Bram and Avi Kaplan
         form PTX), and loves giving back to the church com-
         munities that helped shape him as a musical director.  Composer/conductor Saunder Choi and composer
                                                            Dale Trumbore lead this interest session for conductors
                                                            who want to learn how to write and arrange for their

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