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2024 ACDA Western Region Conference                   March 6-9, 2024                                           Pasadena, California

        own ensemble. Choi and Trumbore will highlight how               You Are the Voice Teacher:
        you know your choir better than anyone; how writing         Teaching Technique and Authenticity
        for your singers can challenge their weaknesses, lead-
        ing them to become stronger musicians; and how to           of Vocal Production in Choral Singing
        fill gaps in the repertoire for your singers by creating
        that music yourself. Conductors will gain hands-on ex-  “Blend. Drop your jaw. Straight tone. Darker.” Most
        perience arranging an eight-bar melody and will leave   have likely heard one of these phrases before, but do they
        this session  empowered to continue composing, with   really help inexperienced singers? Choral directors are
        resources on what to expect and where to begin.     the primary voice teachers for our singers. Are we teach-
                                                            ing them the pedagogy behind their instrument in terms
                    Dale Trumbore is a Los Angeles-based    that are clear and concrete? What terminology can we
                    composer and writer  whose  composi-    use to provide clarity? This session will provide practical
                    tions have been performed widely in the   applications of how to teach singers to find and use their
                    U.S. and internationally by the Aeolians   authentic voices by sharing suggestions from various vo-
                    of Oakwood University, Chicago  Sym-    cal pedagogy approaches, including Estill Voice. It is ap-
        phony’s MusicNOW  ensemble, Conspirare  and the     plicable to directors working with high school, college
        Miró Quartet, soprano Liv Redpath, Los Angeles Chil-  and older community singers.
        dren’s Chorus, Los Angeles Master Chorale, Modesto
        Symphony,  Pasadena  Symphony,  Phoenix  Chorale,   Amy Johnston Blosser will be a clinician for this session.
        Tonality, and VocalEssence. The recipient of ACDA’s   Her photo and bio are on page 58.
        inaugural Raymond W. Brock Competition for Profes-
        sional Composers, an ASCAP Morton Gould Award,      C. Andrew Blosser will be a clinician for this session. His
        and a Chamber Music America Classical Commission-   photo and bio are on page 58.
        ing Grant, Trumbore has also served as composer in
        residence for Choral Chameleon.

                    Saunder Choi, a Filipino composer and
                    choral artist in Los Angeles, has gained   Western Region Registration Information
                    international recognition for his  works.
                    As  a choral  artist,  he actively performs
                    in  ensembles  like  Pacific  Chorale,  L.A.   Register at
        Choral Lab, and HEX Vocal Ensemble, as well as sing-
        ing in film scores of Disney’s The Lion King, Mulan, Turn-  Attendee $290   Retired $200  Student $105
        ing Red, and Avatar 2: The Way of  the Water, etc. Choi’s
        compositions strongly advocate for DEIJ, focusing on
        themes such as immigration, racial justice, LGBTQ+     Registration after 11:59 PM CST February 14, 2024
        advocacy, climate justice, and his own Filipino-Chinese
        identity. He is the director of music at the UU Church    Attendee $320   Retired $225  Student $125
        of Santa Monica and teaches as an artist with the Los

        Angeles Master Chorale.                                    Non-ACDA Member Composer Track $99

                                                               One-Day Registration $175 (only available on-site)

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