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2024 ACDA Western Region Conference                   March 6-9, 2024                                           Pasadena, California

                       Resounding Achord                                  Riverside City College
                                                                            Chamber Singers

          Resounding  Achord is  the founding  choir of Re-   The  Riverside City  College  Chamber  Singers have
        sounding Achord Productions (RAP), a nonprofit orga-  performed at  the  ACDA Western Region  Conference
        nization based in San José, California. From their be-  (2010, 2014, and 2020); at the ACDA National Confer-
        ginnings in 2012, the choir has been faithful to creating   ence  (2011,  2017,  and 2021);  at  the  NCCO  National
        a  positive, family-friendly  member  experience, while   Conference (2011 and 2015); and at the CASMEC
        maintaining a high performance standard. The choir’s   Conference  (2016).  The Chamber  Singers have  com-
        members are teachers, students, engineers, administra-  peted nationally and internationally, taking first place at
        tive  professionals, scientists, lawyers, caretakers, and   the California International Choral Competition (2011),
        retirees. Repertoire is selected from all musical periods   the  Eisteddfod Choral  Competition  in Wales (2009),
        and a multitude of world cultures. The organization   the Yeosu International Choral Competition in Korea
        has awarded over $60,000 in need-based scholarships   (2013), and at the Choral Competition in Spittal, Austria
        to more than 400 students to attend state and regional   (2015).
        honor choirs.
                                                                        John Byun received his BM in vocal per-
                    Kristina Nakagawa is the  founding ar-              formance from University of California,
                    tistic director  of Resounding Achord               Irvine, and his master’s in choral conduct-
                    Productions  and has  been performing               ing from California State University, Long
                    in Silicon Valley since 2001. She is also           Beach. He is the director of choral and vo-
                    the executive artistic director of Vivace   cal activities at Riverside City College, where he directs
        Youth Chorus  of San José and previously  directed   the Chamber Singers and the Vocal Jazz Ensemble. He
        choirs at San José State University, UC Irvine, Pine-  has been the guest conductor for several district honor
        wood School, and St. Francis Episcopal Church. Na-  choirs, SCVA Men’s Honor Choir, Central  California
        kagawa has a degree in vocal performance from UC    Women’s Honor Choir, Texas Honor Choir Region 9,
        Irvine, and a master’s degree in choral conducting from   Clark County, NV Honor Choir, and at the NWACDA
        San José State University. Nakagawa is currently presi-  Region  Conference. He has also conducted all-state
        dent-elect for the California Choral Directors Associa-  honor choirs in North Carolina, Tennessee, New Mexi-
        tion. She and her husband, Ryan, are the proud stage   co, and Arizona. Byun maintains the John Byun Choral
        parents of their son, Russell.                      Series with Pavane Publishing.

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            175
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