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2024 ACDA Western Region Conference                                               March 6-9, 2024                                                             Pasadena, California

                                         Performing Choirs
                                               orming C
                      Mater Dei High School                         Ragazzi Boys Chorus, Silicon Valley
                        Chamber Singers

                                                              Grammy Award-winning Ragazzi Boys  Chorus,
            Based in Santa Ana, California, the Mater Dei High   Silicon Valley, provides outstanding musical education
        School Choral and Vocal Program serves a diverse    and performance opportunities  for boys  and young
        Southern California community. With eleven ensem-   men ages five to eighteen. The largest boys’ chorus in
        bles and nearly 300 singers participating in athletics,   the San Francisco Bay Area, Ragazzi serves over 200
        ASB, the arts, campus ministry, and more, the program   choristers in six tiered levels from diverse backgrounds,
        consistently earns superior ratings at competitions and   developing  tenacious  and  confident  young  musicians
        festivals nationwide. They  recently  performed solo   who pursue choral arts of the highest caliber together.
        concerts at Carnegie Hall and renowned venues in It-  Ragazzi is a prominent collaborator, providing vocal-
        aly. Graduates of the program thrive in artistic careers   ists for notable organizations, including San Francisco
        ranging from the Metropolitan Opera to Broadway.    Opera, San Francisco Symphony, Opera San Jose, and
                                                            Symphony Silicon Valley.
                    Jodi Reed, a conductor and pianist, be-
                    gan her musical journey with competitive            Kent Jue leads the Grammy Award-win-
                    piano studies at a young age. Introduced            ning Ragazzi Boys Chorus, Silicon Val-
                    to choral music in high school, she has             ley, as the artistic and executive director.
                    led university, school, church, and com-            Known for building high-level musician-
        munity choirs. She was the first female conductor to            ship skills through his engaging style and
        win multiple first-place awards in Golden State choral   rapport with youth, Jue is in demand as a guest conduc-
        competitions. She has conducted her choirs on NPR’s   tor, adjudicator, educator, and mentor. He has conduct-
        From The Top, at Carnegie Hall, and St. Patrick’s Cathe-  ed Ragazzi with the San Francisco Symphony and pre-
        dral in New York, as well as iconic international venues   pared vocalists for Opera San Jose, Symphony Silicon
        like La Sagrada Familia and St. Peter’s Basilica. She is   Valley, and West Bay Opera. He previously conducted
        the director of choral and vocal music at Mater Dei   youth choruses at the San Francisco Conservatory of
        High School and a musical director with Millennial    Music  and performed with the Golden Gate  Men’s
        Choirs & Orchestras.                                Chorus. He serves as the California Choral Directors
                                                            Association  Children’s and  Community Youth  R&R

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