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2024 ACDA Eastern Region Conference                           February 28 - March 2, 2024                   Providence, Rhode Island

        holds degrees in music education and choral conduct-  School in Ashburn, VA; and the committee chairper-
        ing from Lincoln University of PA (BS), Georgia State   son  for the  Diversity  Coalition  of Virginia ACDA.
        University (MM), and the  Florida  State  University   He also served as associate  artistic director  of the
        (PhD).                                              Orlando Choral Society. Jackson has served as a clini-
                                                            cian, speaker, and adjudicator across the East Coast,
                                                            providing musical leadership and interest sessions on
                                                            culturally responsive choral practices in Virginia and
                        Divisive Concept                    Florida.
                       or Student Lifeline?

                                                            Arreon A. Harley-Emerson will be a clinician for this
           Critical pedagogy, critical race theory, and cultural-  session. His photo and bio are on the previous page.
        ly responsive pedagogy are distinct concepts with dif-
        fering contexts, historical backgrounds, influences on          Keith Roeckle is a PhD student in music
        teaching approaches, and impacts on student engage-             education at  Temple  University, where
        ment  and learning—none of which are, nor should                he also serves as director  of the  Night
        be, divisive. Choral conductor educators will be able           Owls Campus-Community Band. Prior
        to  connect these  concepts to  their  practice  to  make       to his  doctoral studies, he was a high
        and advocate  for  informed  musical and educational   school instrumental  music  teacher  at  Ridley High
        decisions that support the creation of a culturally sus-  School (Folsom, PA), Lincoln High School (Philadel-
        taining, life-giving, and life-saving choral community.   phia, PA), and the Lawrenceville School (Lawrencev-
        Provided in this session will be an Advocacy Wheel:   ille, NJ). In addition to directing, Roeckle is an accom-
        a tool for engaging in conversations about these con-  plished arranger for instrumental ensembles and is a
        cepts with principals, parents, boards of directors, and   frequent piano accompanist for soloists and ensembles.
        other governing bodies.                             His research interests include aural skills acquisition,
                                                            adolescents and music, and music theory pedagogy.
                    Kristina Westover is a PhD student and
                    teaching assistant in music education at
                    Temple University. She earned her BME                   Doing the Dishes:
                    from the University  of Oklahoma and           Beyond Tolerance of Gender-Diverse
                    her MME from Michigan State Univer-
        sity. Her teaching experience includes elementary gen-              Students in Music
        eral music with an extracurricular choir, middle school
        general music, and middle school choir. Her research   “Everybody wants to save the Earth; nobody wants
        interests include musical identity development in ado-  to help Mom do the dishes.” While many well-inten-
        lescents and preservice music teachers, music teacher   tioned educators may consider themselves allies to the
        attrition, and the development of culturally sustaining   transgender  community  in  a general  sense;  few are
        music programs.                                     equipped to interact confidently and competently with
                                                            gender-diverse students. Through a review of current
                    Daniel Jackson is a PhD student at Tem-  research, personal accounts, and guided self-examina-
                    ple  University studying choral  music   tion, this session seeks to expand current understand-
                    education. During his twenty-one years   ings of gender diversity, student agency, and gender-
                    in music education, Jackson  served  as   inclusive curriculum and policy with the ultimate goal
                    the director of choral activities at Olym-  of gender equity for all students, teachers, staff, and
        pia High School in Orlando, Fl.; Stone Bridge High   members of the community.

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