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2024 ACDA Eastern Region Conference                           February 28 - March 2, 2024                   Providence, Rhode Island

        speech-language  pathology  (SLP)  with  source-filter          of Washington as artistic director in Au-
        theory and science-informed vocal pedagogy to pres-             gust 2016. Clark has made it her mission
        ent  a  healthy  gender-affirming  practice  routine  for       to provide outstanding choral education
        TGE singers who are seeking to masculinize or femi-             and performance experiences  for youth
        nize their voices.                                              through collaborative partnerships across
                                                            the DMV. Her creative approach to programming has
        Stevie J. Hirner will be the clinician for this session.   led to innovative projects with many youth choral or-
        Her photo and bio are on page 23.                   ganizations, dance companies, and composers. In addi-
                                                            tion to her work at CCW, Clark is an adjudicator and
                                                            guest conductor for MD and DC choral festivals and
                                                            serves as the diversity initiatives co-chair for the ACDA
                          Freedom Trail:                    MD/DC chapter.
              Lessons from Retracing Harriet Tubman’s
                      Journey through Music                 Arreon A. Harley-Emerson will be a clinician for this
                                                            session. His photo and bio are on page 152.

           In  the footsteps  of Harriet  Tubman,  three  choirs        Brittney L. Stanton is deputy director and
        embarked on an unprecedented journey, intertwining              assistant conductor at the Choir School
        their voices with the echoes of the Underground Rail-           of Delaware. She is a highly trained mu-
        road. Visiting historical sites and engaging in memo-           sic teacher and soprano who works with
        rable communal  musicking  experiences, these choirs            students of varying ages and abilities to
        brought history to life through song and shared reflec-  help them develop strong music literacy skills and grow
        tion. Our session will dive deep into this transforma-  a love for the arts that is lifelong. Having taught mu-
        tive experience, offering a comprehensive exploration   sic in both suburban and urban settings, Stanton is a
        of the tour’s creation, student preparation, and inter-  dedicated, veteran pedagogue. She holds a BM with a
        cultural dialogue. We will delve into the power of com-  focus in choral arts and an MS in teaching, both from
        munal musicking as a tool for cultural understanding   McDaniel College.
        and connection. We aim to empower others to initiate
        similar initiatives in their communities.

                    Joy Hirokawa was  the founder and ar-                     Full Circle—
                    tistic director of The Bel Canto Youth           The Grace and Power of Rounds
                    Chorus. She is a passionate advocate for
                    creating musical spaces in which youth
                    can express themselves through the cho-   October Project’s brand of Conscious Rounds™ of-
        ral art as they navigate and learn about a complicated   fers choir directors and choral teachers an innovative
        world. She is a frequent guest conductor and clinician   tool for learning, listening, musical understanding, and
        nationally  and  internationally and  a  published  ar-  fun that also stirs mind, body, and spirit. Accessible and
        ranger and author. Following twenty years of teaching   easy to learn, their newest rounds open new possibilities
        at all levels in the public schools, Hirokawa taught at   with a fun exploration of major to minor. How does the
        Moravian University, Temple University, and  Lafay-  change of mode affect the message and impact of the
        ette College. She is the ACDA National R&R Chair    lyric?  How are different emotions evoked? Come en-
        for Children and Youth Choirs.                      joy a delightful and expansive experience to grow your
                                                            choir in rehearsal and performance, and add a depend-
        Margaret Nomura Clark joined the Children’s Chorus   able, flexible tool to your toolbox.

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            155
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