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2024 ACDA Eastern Region Conference                           February 28 - March 2, 2024                   Providence, Rhode Island

        stigma and stereotype. This session explores the struc-                Place for All:
        ture of the Dallas Street Choir, how participation im-   Diverse Perspectives in J. S. Bach’s Cantatas
        pacts singers’ mental and physical health, and factors
        of social inclusion and sense of self.
        #HomelessNotVoiceless                                  In order to honor a work’s original context, conduc-
                                                            tors encourage  participants  to  engage  deeply with  a
        Jonathan Palant will be the clinician for this session.   work’s text and meaning. When a student and/or audi-
        His photo and bio are on page 95.                   ence member comes from a religious perspective dif-
                                                            ferent from the selected repertoire, achieving this goal
                                                            becomes complex. The sacred cantatas of J. S. Bach
                                                            offer countless opportunities for participants to engage
                         Lessons from the                   deeply with his  works  while  discovering  themes  that
                      Tacoma Refugee Choir                  resonate beyond its original theological purpose. This
                                                            lecture examines four cantatas (172, 56, 158, and 25)
                                                            through various non-musical, diverse perspectives, and
           This session will explore pedagogical strategies we’ve   demonstrates how Bach’s cantatas engage musicians/
        employed in creating a space that has welcomed mem-  audiences with a plurality of beliefs and experiences.
        bers from sixty-five countries with a range of ability
        and cultural backgrounds. We will consider pedagogi-  C. Michael Porter will be the clinician for this session.
        cal  strategies  including rote  singing,  generative  song   His photo and bio are on page 10.
        creation, improvised harmonization, and shared lead-
        ership with singers and potential benefits and opportu-
        nities that may arise. These include access, autonomy
        and  leadership,  and  minimized  perfectionism/self-  Programming Effectively around Social Issues:
        judgment. We will also consider how these strategies
        may influence vocal production, registration, style, and            A Panel Discussion
        tuning, and introduce some practical exercises.
                                                               Over the last decade, a wave of new socially con-
                    Erin Guinup is  the founding executive   scious  choral works has entered the repertory, focus-
                    and artistic director of the Tacoma Refu-  ing on issues like homophobia, police violence, voting
                    gee Choir, which performed at the 2023   rights, and climate  change. In a lively conversation,
                    National  ACDA Conference. With the     panelists Arianne Abela, Geoffrey Hudson, Emily Isaa-
                    choir, she has spoken  at  TEDxSeattle,   cson,  Chris Shepard, and Anthony  Trecek-King ex-
        Starbucks, and national conferences for ACDA, Cho-  plore why you should consider programming socially
        rus America, NATS, and the Global Migrant Festival.   conscious works and how to do so effectively. Attendees
        A sought-after performer and clinician in classical and   will  learn  skills  and  strategies  to  effectively  plan  and
        contemporary vocal technique, Guinup performed her   present  concerts related  to  current  social issues  and
        one-woman show internationally and has taught stu-  receive resources for finding socially conscious choral
        dents performing on Broadway, operatic stages, and   repertory.
        television.  She is a composer, active choral clinician,
        author, and consultant on arts administration, commu-           Alisa Pearson (moderator) is artistic direc-
        nity engagement, and leadership through music.                  tor of Hybrid Vigor Music, a non-profit
                                                                        dedicated  to  developing  new works  that
                                                                        reach beyond the  concert  hall.  HVM
                                                                        commissioned Geoffrey Hudson’s A Pas-

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            157
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