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2024 ACDA Eastern Region Conference                                                        February 28 - March 2, 2024                                        Providence, Rhode Island

                                  Interest Sessions
                                  In t er est S essions

                    Evan Montemayor, MME, is  a pianist                The Filipino Choral Tradition:
                    and conductor-educator from Sacramen-                    Your Starter Pack
                    to, CA. He is co-chair of the NY-ACDA
                    R&R Committee and a doctoral student
                    in choral  conducting at  Arizona State    The Philippines enjoys a robust culture of fantastic
         University. Research and teaching interests include ab-  choral music. However, our music is rarely performed
         solute pitch, musicians with speech and language im-  beyond the boundaries of our archipelago. Join me as
         pairments, and gender diverse voices.              we unpack and overcome the barriers restraining this
                                                            music. Learn about new repertoire and how to authen-
                                                            tically approach this music as you share it with your
                    Entering Uncharted Territory:
                  Re-Mapping Our Understanding                          Reagan G. Paras serves as a full-time as-
                        of the Female Voice                             sociate  professor for Berklee College  of
                                                                        Music  in Boston, Massachusetts. A pas-
                                                                        sionate  conductor, singer, and educator,
           During this session, we will delve into the transfor-        he has directed performance tours across
         mations that occur throughout the lifespan of the fe-  the United States and abroad. He is the artistic direc-
         male voice. We will explore the influence of hormones   tor for Many Voices: Mechanics Hall’s Youth Singers,
         and the pelvic floor and examine strategies to address   performing repertoire that  authentically  honors  the
         these changes in a healthy manner with students of all   mosaic  of cultures represented  in the  ensemble. He
         ages. Our discussion will focus on gaining a compre-  serves as music director for The Nashua Choral Soci-
         hensive  understanding  of  the  intricate  modifications   ety and conducts the summer Kodály Music Institute
         that take place in the female voice. As a result of this   Choir,  which comprises music educators from across
         session, participants will gain practical knowledge on   the globe. He is a guest conductor, clinician, and adju-
         how to incorporate these insights about hormones, the   dicator across the country
         pelvic floor, and the female voice into their rehearsals   .
         and classrooms.

                    Victoria Sigafoes was  born and raised                    Flexible Fach:
                    in Mansfield, Pennsylvania. She pursued          Gender-Affirming Vocal Pedagogy
                    her BME from Mansfield University be-
                    fore moving to Philadelphia to complete         through Science-Informed Practices
                    her MM in choral conducting at Temple
         University. Sigafoes has been teaching choir at Middle   In this interactive session, attendees will be invited
         School North in Center Grove CSC for the last five   to sing and discuss vocal exercises from a new proto-
         years. She has  enjoyed directing the MSN Drama    col developed  by the  presenter  that focuses  on help-
         Club, conducting CGHS Fall Musicals, and building a   ing transgender  and gender-expansive  (TGE)  singers
         successful private voice studio. She has been a featured   produce an aural aesthetic that better aligns with their
         speaker at the ICDA summer conference in Indianapo-  gender identity. Created through an understanding of
         lis, served as a guest conductor for CSWS Festivals, and   the gendered associations and vocal characteristics of
         continues to lecture in the area.                  common fach categories and voice classifications, this
                                                            protocol  synthesizes  practices  from  gender-affirming

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